Get countless Backlinks with Gravatar Profiles is a Page Rank 8 and DA 94 website which enables users to have online profiles using custom AvatarsGravatar is an acronym of Globally Recognized Avatar. Here you create your profile once and become an internet identity forever. Gravatars are used as user-profiles on all and nearly 90% of WordPress blogs.

This means, as a blogger, it’s highly recommended to have a stunning gravatar profile.

Here is my Gravatar profile:




Gravatar can drive huge amount of traffic via comments. Plus on profile pages, it allows to link as many sites you want but unluckily assigns them rel=’nofollow’ . In one line, gives a plenty of nofollow backlinks from your gravatar profile page.


All these links are not being followed.

All these links are not being followed.

Nofollow backlinks? Well, no. Those aren’t that relevant to SEO as are general (follow) links. You want genuine backlinks? There is a simple way to get genuine follow links from gravatar. All you need to be cautious about formatting. Follow these easy steps to get backlinks from your gravatar profile:

profile edit

Video Guide


  • Start typing in About Me section. Write about yourself and add external links. But be careful not to use double quotes (“…”) inside anchor <a> ..</a>) tag. Use single quotes as Gravatar removes everything inside double-quotes. Be specific and add rel=’author’ or any other. Never add rel=’follow’ or rel=’dofollow’ because these tags are incorrect.
  • You can add as many as possible external links using the same way.
  • Save profile.

backlink receivedWhen you are done, you will see these links on the left of your profile. Cool. You just got DA94 and PA40+ juice passing backlinks with no hard-work. These links will also pass juice from the countless webpages which support gravatar profiles.



About Gaurav Tiwari

Gaurav Tiwari is a blogger, influencer and designer with expertise in brand regeneration and growth hacking. He is the co-founder of Gatilab, a successful digital agency focused on content and design.