The importance of safeguarding personal and organizational data in the current digital age cannot be overstated. With the advancement of cyber threats and increased global digital space, there is a need for privacy laws as well as cyber security measures that can combine to enhance the protection of confidential data. Understanding how these two domains […]
Have you ever felt like you’re being watched? Not in the thrilling, popcorn-munching way that Hollywood loves to show, but in the real-world sense? It might sound like a plot straight out of a movie, but the importance of bug sweeps is no fiction. We’re diving into the world of eavesdropping, privacy breaches, and how […]
Password managers are indispensable in helping you maintain a strong security profile. They allow you to generate stronger passwords and also remember them for you. LastPass is undoubtedly one of the best password management solutions for business and personal use. Although its unique features make it ideal for larger enterprises, it is also a good […]
In this article, I’ll explain what penetration testing is and what are the pros and cons of manual vs. automated penetration testing in cybersecurity. Nowadays, we are seeing a significant increase in cyberattacks, unethical hacking, and malware integration all around us. Multinational corporations, prominent financial sectors, and even government agencies are under continuous threat of […]
The exploitation phase is the most important step in a penetration test. In this stage, testers take advantage of the security weakness found and try to access sensitive data, high-value accounts, etc. There are many ways to exploit systems, and the tester is tasked with using as many methods as possible. In this blog post, […]
Are you using WordPress to run your business or eCommerce website? 43% chances are that you are – as WordPress now powers over 43% of the web. WordPress is undoubtedly the most popular blogging, eCommerce and web-development platform in the world right now. But is it the most secure? WordPress’ code is Open Source. So […]
First impressions count. There’s a saying that you never get a chance to make a good second impression. This highlights the importance of customer experience from the outset. In today’s world, you need to know your customer, which means using data gleaned from a range of sources. Information is vital, but so is data protection. […]
Do you use a password manager, or are you old-fashioned and use the pen-and-paper method to recall your passwords? Handling and recalling too many details from your notebook is not ideal when you have many credentials, card details, and other personal information to fill in every day. Why do I need a Password Manager? I […]
Looking for the best antivirus software for Windows in 2021? If you are, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we have examined, analyzed and listed some of the best antivirus apps for Windows computers. Antivirus apps are very essential for protecting your computer from harmful software, malware and viruses. Best […]
We’re all adamant about our security and privacy nowadays. People make sure to be certain of their money and where it goes and how securely it goes. They think long and hard about which investments to place it in and study the most beneficial to either their savings or their retirement plan. Of course, all […]
With new malware alerts, data breaches, DDOS and phishing attacks constantly in the news, it’s no wonder everyone is gotten a little paranoid. That paranoia isn’t necessarily bad, but it becomes a problem when people don’t do anything about it. Now what to do exactly? A lot of advice has been swirling around the web […]
We live in a fast-changing world. Since their inception, smartphones have not only revolutionized our lives but also become very useful to us. They do fulfill the basic purpose of calling (for which they were invented in the first place), but they also perform various functions ranging from taking pictures to checking emails to making […]