The Best HTML5 Animation Tools
In this article, I will analyze and review the best HTML5 Animation Tools available online for free or at a nominal cost. This list was last updated on August 26, 2022, and I have removed all of the dead tools from the list.
HTML5 along with CSS3 and Javascript are now extremely essential for creating enriched web content and creating websites that are dynamic and visually stunning.
HTML5 gained momentum and recognition within the realm of cyberspace in encouraging developers and designers alike to do this and that with their website.
With the help of HTML5, designers are now using tools which they can use to animate their virtual objects, and thus bring a touch creativity and uniqueness to their website. But creating such animation is a bit arduous and energy-depleting task. For this, you need to take the help of some of the useful animation tools to make your creative work a truly rewarding process.
So, below we have given a fantastic collection of some popular animation tools to help web designers to make an effective use of HTML5 and make their site engaging.
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Google Web Designer

The new Google Web Designer is all about creating attractive and highly dynamic websites and banners. This HTML5 Animation tool is extremely helpful in creating engaging HTML5 sites and ads.
Developed in WYSIWYG approach, it means there is no need for developers to get them involved in a complicated process of coding, while ensuring a high quality output which is design-oriented.
What’s more, you are also getting easy-to-use settings for designing Google-powered ads and a lot more.
Tumult Hype

Using Tumult Hype, it becomes extremely easy to create HTML5 web content, animations, and interactive content that appeases your audience. The content made by Tumult Hype works seamlessly on desktops, smartphones, and tablet devices.
Adobe Edge Animate CC
Adobe Edge Animate CC is a versatile HTML5 animation software for creating an interactive HTML5 website. The tool is modern, letting web designers make superb media advertisements, web animations, impressive content and so on, running flawlessly on a myriad of devices and platforms.

TweenJs is an easy to use tweening library & HTML5 animation tool for working with JavaScripts and HTML5. The library constitutes excellent features and properties including numeric object and CSS style properties. It also comes with a powerful API, making it extremely easy to work with complicated tweenjs with the help of chaining commands.
OnlyMega (Formerly HTML5 Maker)

HTML5 Maker is a superb HTML5 animation tool for creating web animations, interactive content with the help of HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.
The tool supports all the latest filters, thus freeing you from using Photoshop to create impressive text. The tool is extremely simple to use and provides rewarding outputs by developing animated content that is cross-browser compatible and visually appealing.
Animatron Studio

You can now design professional looking web content and animation with Animatron Studio. The tool is easy-to-use, and doesn’t require any coding to create animations. Its clean and intuitive interface lets you create remarkable and responsive ready animations with minimal effort. And the best part is, you can also incorporate audio into your animations and make it more lively and impressive.
The all new Animatron Studio is all about designing, publishing interactive content, advertisements, banners, and movies that run seamlessly across all the devices and web browsers.
The tool bridges the gap between newbies and professional designers by offering power-packed tools for creating feature-rich animations, with a pretty simple-to-use interface. It also allows others to view and edit your projects, or choose to keep your projects private

GSAP is a set of tools that together provide you an efficient way for creating solid HTML5 animations that work impeccably on all leading browsers.
It provides an advanced level of sequencing, API efficiency and a lot more. Designed for professionals, GSAP is an effective HTML5 animation tool that helps you tell your success story in a rich way by taking you beyond shades and slides.
Mugeda is a popular and free HTML animation tool that allows you to design the web animations, banners, expendables, and mini games. It comes with all sorts of features such as analytics, templates etc., to give an optimum experience to your customers.
Kinetic JS

Kinetic JS is a high-performance tool for creating rich web animations and transitions that plays everywhere from desktops to mobile.
KineticJS is no longer maintained. The last stable version is v5.1.0 and while it is not being maintained, it’s still pretty solid to use even in serious projects.
You can find and install the latest release here:

Modernizr is an indispensable tool that uses sophisticated web technologies to make it easy for you to work with different animations and content. It gives you finer controls while working with Javascript, CSS and HTML5.
So, there we have it all, the above mentioned super handy HTML5 animation tools will lift up the quality of your work and make your website eye-catching and impressive.