Online Business

Dedicated to the digital realm of entrepreneurship, this section explores strategies for starting and growing an online business, including e-commerce, digital marketing, and leveraging internet-based resources for business success.

The shift towards remote-first practices in the workplace is becoming more prevalent nowadays. The development and maintenance of effective virtual teams are becoming an integral part of the workplace culture. A remote workspace can help your organization attract top talent from all corners of the globe, making it easier for them to work remotely. This…

Having an AI chatbot app is like having a virtual assistant that can handle and automate customer queries on the go, thus allowing your employees to focus on their specific tasks. An AI chatbot app can communicate with your customers on your behalf and handle most of their inquiries. If you're a small business owner…

Running a business means juggling multiple tasks. While staying organized helps to get things done, it can be challenging for businesses. This is where apps for business productivity come in. They do the day-to-day work and can create a centralized place for business operations. Business productivity apps have grown by 65% in the last few…

Short Message Service, or SMS for short, is readily available to all mobile devices and has become more or less ubiquitous in the modern digital age. Over the years, SMS marketing emerged as an affordable and efficient way of connecting with customers. After all, around 3.8 billion people all around the world use smartphones today.…

The last few years led to rapid transformation in the way people work. Companies are now resorting to a hybrid working model because it is flexible. The hybrid work model empowers employees to work to their strengths. It also allows teams to find a good balance between creativity and collaboration. If your business was interfered…

The business landscape has become super competitive, and to grow your market position, you need to rethink and refine your operational model and strategies constantly. Even at a time of great dominance, staying too comfortable will see you lose out to your competitors sooner than later. To succeed in today’s rapidly changing world, you must…

For better or worse, the internet has changed the way we do business today. Gone are the days when a company could ignore the importance of digital marketing in its marketing strategy. To be competitive enough to reach out to your target audience, it is critical that your brand builds and maintains a robust online…

In the past, I have vouched for having a website for small businesses. But Blogs? Does a small business need a blog? Yes, it does. I have been emphasizing the importance of blogs from time to time. Blogs don't just work as an information hub for your small business but also greatly help with sales.…

If you ever have dreams of leaving your day job in the dust as you chase your bright ideas towards success, you would not be alone. Becoming a successful entrepreneur is more than just a pipedream, it is a totally achievable reality, and one that is reached through diligence, tenacity, and some good old-fashioned luck.…

Looking to value and sell a website with no revenue? If you are, this is the perfect place to be. In this guide, I will tell you how you can value and sell websites using Flippa whether they make any earnings or not. Why Flippa? When it comes to website valuations and selling, Flippa is…

About a decade ago, shops, malls, showrooms and other store types were effectively the only places people bought products from. But since the advent of the internet into the day-to-day lives of people - better to say, into the lives of consumers - things have changed dramatically. People now prefer to buy more from online…

Recognition and love from people are crucial for artists; these boost you to perform even better. However, putting your artwork out there and promoting it is gradual and requires lots of patience and tact.  Fortunately, there are many offline and online ways to target your audience. You can spread the word by being active on…