What is 2019 coronavirus and how can you protect yourself?

Coronavirus or 2019-nCoV or COVID-19 spread worldwide and was declared as an international health emergency by the WHO. The spread of the Virus started in Wuhan, China and infected and killed millions of people around the globe. However, the risk of coronavirus spreading still prevails and no vaccination or cure has been found until now.

Corona Virus - Coronavirus representative image

What's coronavirus?

Coronavirus is from a family of viruses that are quite a reason for a well-known-common cold. Prevention measures that must be used are to wear protective masks and washing hands repeatedly.

The outbreak of the virus originated from Wuhan, China and those visiting or traveling to China are being tested for symptoms and problems.

People infected with the virus must contact healthcare centers immediately. The 2019 Novel Coronavirus, COVID-19, is different from the previous coronavirus and can soon cause pneumonia and other complications. 

Spreading of Coronavirus

This virus spreads through self-inoculation and can also be transmitted through water droplets on your hands. It is important to wash your hands regularly and sanitize them as this virus does not survive for more than 24 hours outside the body.

Your biggest defense against coronavirus is washing your hands. It also spreads through the infected person as when they cough or sneeze, they release droplets of mucus or saliva that can fall on the people around them.

These droplets can be picked on hands or can be directly inhaled when you come to the infected person. A person can be exposed to the virus if he/she is within six feet of the infected person who coughs or sneezes.

Coronavirus can invade your immune system and can be dangerous for the person. There will be several problematic infections that will arise within the body. 

Coronavirus is not airborne but they can easily be transmitted by aerosolized water droplets.

Coronavirus outbreaks have caused fear in people but it is unlikely that this outbreak will affect you.

However, if you have a respiratory infection and have difficulty breathing then it is important to contact a doctor immediately. Stay away from people around you, especially kids and the elderly as they have a weak immune system. All you have to do is wash hands regularly, wear masks and use common sense to stay away from infections. While traveling it is important to stay healthy and away from infections.

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Wuhan's coronavirus outbreak spreads from person to person and can also spread through person to person, but it can also spread through cough and sneeze droplets. 

Coronavirus can also spread through droplets that land on public transport seats or desks in educational institutions. This virus can be spread by people even before the symptoms crop up in an infected person.

Protection from coronavirus

Wash your hands

Wash your hands regularly with soap and water by scrubbing your nails on palms as it will keep you from getting infected. 

Cover your mouth while coughing and sneezing

Whenever you cough or sneeze, make sure to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue and throw the tissue away. Wash your hands later. 

Wear Face Masks

Wearing face masks can provide you with some amount of protection as they can block liquid droplets, but they cannot block small aerosol particles that can pass through the material of the mask. The virus can even enter through the eyes, but face masks do not cover them. 

Don’t ignore the symptoms

If you witness any symptoms like cold, cough, fever or difficulty in breathing then seek medical help immediately and stay away from kids and the elderly. 

No contact with animals

While visiting the local markets in affected regions, make sure to avoid contact with animals and surfaces where animals have touched. 

Eat wisely

If you are in the affected region, avoid eating raw or partially cooked animal products to avoid contamination with uncooked food. 

While traveling, make sure to carry your medications that boost your immunity and cancel your travel plans if you are suffering from a cold, cough or fever as strict health screenings are conducted at many airports. 

If you have come into close contact with a patient suffering from coronavirus then get yourself checked immediately and seek medical attention. Make sure to follow the general guidelines of hygiene and food safety.

Origin of Coronavirus

We are all worried about the recent outbreak of Coronavirus or Novel Coronavirus 2019-nCoV that has no cure until now. This virus has created immense fear throughout the world and has come from Wuhan, China, where the first case was reported.

Coronavirus originates from a group of pathogens that influence birds, mammals, and human beings and most of the viruses that belong to this group are not dangerous. In humans, the symptoms are similar to the common flu, MERS and SARS as it affects the respiratory system. It is more likely to affect people with low immunity like the kids, elderly, cancer patients, heart patients or pregnant women.

Symptoms to look out for: 

  • High fever
  • Cough
  • Runny nose
  • Headache
  • Breathing problems
  • Sore throat
  • Pneumonia or inflammation in lungs

It is difficult to distinguish between common flu and coronavirus and the incubation period of the disease is of up to 14 days. 

Here's what to do to stay away from coronavirus?

  1. Drink plenty of fluids to boost immunity
  2. Take medicine for cold, cough and fever
  3. Get loads of rest
  4. Consume a healthy diet to enhance your immune system
  5. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water
  6. Use sanitizer
  7. Keep the surroundings clean
  8. Avoid touching your nose and eyes
  9. Disinfect the items that you use regularly
  10. Stay away from people who have a cough and cold
  11. Do not touch animals
  12. Do not consume raw meat or unboiled milk

This virus is usually active during winter and spring season so it is important to keep yourself safe during this time. Stay away from crowded places so that you don’t catch the virus and get infected. Follow these guidelines to stay away from coronavirus infection.


Coronavirus is from a family of viruses that are quite a reason for a well-known-common cold & pneumonia.

The outbreak of the virus originated in Wuhan, China, and those visiting or traveling to China are being tested for symptoms and problems.

You must contact health care centers immediately. 2019 Novel Coronavirus is different from the previous coronavirus and can soon cause pneumonia and other complications.

  • High fever
  • Cough
  • Runny nose
  • Headache
  • Breathing problems
  • Sore throat
  • Pneumonia or inflammation in lungs
  1. Drink plenty of fluids to boost immunity
  2. Take medicine for cold, cough and fever
  3. Get loads of rest
  4. Consume a healthy diet to enhance your immune system
  5. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water
  6. Use sanitizer
  7. Keep the surroundings clean
  8. Avoid touching your nose and eyes
  9. Disinfect the items that you use regularly
  10. Stay away from people who have a cough and cold
  11. Do not touch animals
  12. Do not consume raw meat or unboiled milk

About Gaurav Tiwari

Gaurav Tiwari is a blogger, influencer and designer with expertise in brand regeneration and growth hacking. He is the co-founder of Gatilab, a successful digital agency focused on content and design.