Local Business

This category focuses on the dynamics of small-scale, community-based businesses. It offers insights on managing, growing, and marketing local businesses effectively, catering to specific regional demands and building strong local networks.

Just “Google it.” If only I had a nickel every time I heard this phrase! Google has pretty much monopolized internet searching. And don’t let me dictate you into believing it — although I doubt this statement needs any proof. According to a report by NetMarketShare, Google alone accounts for more than 76 percent of…

Starting a business is a path that many people are choosing to follow nowadays. It is possible that you’re toying around with the idea of starting a business but are unsure about whether it’s the right choice for you. To know that, however, you’re going to have to answer a series of questions and one…

When was the last time you sprawled a crinkled paper map across the dashboard of your car? Severely limited in their practicality, paper maps are a piece of litter from the past, and digital technology has rightfully filled their shoes. That worn-out map still tucked in your glove box has its limits, and phone book…

If you want to open your business up to multiple collaborations and opportunities, you will need to network. You also don’t need to live in a big city to build professional relationships with other companies or entrepreneurs. Here is how to connect with other small businesses. Be Active on Social Media The internet has the…

Businesses are increasingly fighting to establish their local presence online. As a business, missing the chance to stand out and get noticed locally means that you are giving your customers the go-ahead to find your competitor and replace you with them. We have come up with the topmost objectives of local SEO that if well…

The money you need to fund your new business has been granted – so, congratulations! But how would you spend this money? As a smart entrepreneur who wants his business to endure its critical early years, it is imperative that you act maturely and trail the spending schedule or outline it in your business plan.…

Not a long while ago, I found a lead on a good client that could use my web-development skills for their business. They were in a catering business which was growing rapidly. I learned from a friend that they were planning for an expansion to be an inter-city business. I took it as a chance to…