Inkscape Symbols Library for Windows

Inkscape Symbols Library is a collection of various kinds of icons in vector format. You can import the icons into Inkscape’s default symbol library panel by downloading & installing the tools.

  • Open Source
  • User friendly
  • For Windows

Downloads →


Grab the icon libraries you need by cloning the repo or downloading the ZIP. You can also save the SVG files to your system directly from my Github repo.

  • Copy the individual SVG files into your Inkscape config folder under the symbols folder. If it's not there, create it.
  • For OS X and Linux, the local user directory is ~/.config/inkscape/symbols.
  • For Windows, the directory is:
    %PROGRAMFILES%\Inkscape\share\symbols. (64 bits)
    %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Inkscape\share\symbols. (32 bits)
    (You can also run the installer on 32 bit installations.)
  • Launch Inkscape (close it first if it's already running).
  • Open Symbols from Object > symbols or press Ctrl+Shift+Y. You should see all icon sets in the "Symbol set" dropdown.