Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing or Online Marketing is the art and commerce of selling products online. People are making loads of money using various Internet Marketing strategies. My Guides will help you become a better online marketer by taking you from the step one to step infinity — all step-by-step.

Subcategories of Internet Marketing

To run an e-commerce website these days means you do not have to learn how you go or even try and make mistakes. You could do many things to enable your e-commerce site to function more effectively. In the future, information on ways to improve your company is frequently available. Many aren’t significant changes but…

Social media has changed the dynamism of globalization. Media integration has been a consistent and influential influx in the diaspora of business. Social media presence is at the core of every business now. Social media platforms are now turned into a mouthpiece for every business organization. Press releases, journals, letters and employment contributions all substantially…

Who doesn’t want to earn money? Who won’t want to, especially if the money comes sitting next to your laptop or computer? Online Money making is a sweet addiction that gets hold of every e-user sooner or later. This money-making process is somewhat very challenging in the beginning but once you start to figure out the what-to…

When you hear Instagram, you’re likely going to hear terms such as the #hashtags, outfits of the day, aesthetics, designs, and even pretty pictures. As a marketer, you’re likely going to recognize that these “terms” can be used to leverage your branding, and you can capitalize on these Instagram “hot terms” to propel yourself to…

There is no denying that digital marketing has grown severalfold in the past decade or so. More and more businesses now understand the power that the internet holds in growing their brands and revenue. Unfortunately, a lot of these businesses still use the same old tactics to seek and acquire customers. For example, cold calling,…

Have you ever wondered what went wrong as you planned & worked hard to optimize your website in every aspect of web designing & SEO? The conversion rate now you notice is nothing compared to what you put together in your plan. Go to your site stats and check how many pages on average, a unique visitor views?…

Do you conduct an e-commerce activity, like you own an e-commerce website or you are registered as an authorized seller on top e-commerce portals? And now you are wondering how to promote your business. Well, we have discussed many ideas about how to promote your online business. This time, let’s go through how you can…

Facebook Ads and Google Ads (formerly Adwords) are two of the most powerful advertising platforms in today’s world that can help any business reach a higher level without much effort. Both platforms share some similarities but have evolved independently to provide users with amazing benefits. Each solution has its strength and application which is why…

In this article, I will discuss what a product review is and how to write a great product review on your blog. Product Review blogging is one of the highest paying blogging methods bloggers are currently using. Product reviews started as part of a general blog article but soon gained higher monetary value and emerged…

Over the past few years, cloud computing has become an effective tool that contributes to smarter, better, and more efficient business operations. Today, this computing technology is almost indispensable, irrespective of the size and domain of the business. Furthermore, with more stringent competition, the increasing need for advanced systems, cloud computing is constantly vying for…

In today’s day and age, those that have a large following online have become celebrities and can have a huge impact on modern culture. Influencers use their expertise and large following to influence the way in which people act, think, and shop which makes them incredibly powerful. Not only this, but you can earn huge…

Websites are created for different reasons. However, they all have a similar goal and that is to reach out to their target audience. Advertising has been a popular strategy used by websites to publicize their brand. However, advertising is not as effective as optimizing your website through SEO. When you optimize your site, it will…