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This is a complete guide to resultative SEO for YouTube videos. If you are a blogger, please refer to my other guide on SEO for beginners. Before we step to YouTube SEO, let’s build a solid understanding about YouTube itself. YouTube is more than just a video platform, by two main reasons. A: YouTube belongs…

Website building is usually pretty straight forward. Company information, displayed in a theme and style that fits the business and appeals to the potential customer that employs the right keywords is a great start. Good graphics, themes and designs are vital to any website, but in some niche industries, you need to go deeper and…

Like all humans who have red-colored blood, there are few organisms that have varying blood colors. Spiders and octopuses have blue color blood, cockroaches have white/colorless blood, grasshopper, leeches, and some varieties of earthworm have green color blood and so on. Apart from these, there are more facts about the blood. In this article, a…

Watch, calendar, address book, camera, personal secretary. Oh yeah, you can make calls on them, too! To say that phones have come a long way is an understatement. They are now smarter and more ingenious. Smartphones have become such a part of the 21st century lifestyle that it seems to be a natural extension of…

You’re trusting another company with your business, your dream. That’s surely going to raise some questions. Will they represent you well? Will you get a return on the investment you are making with the design? Will they be there for you in the long term? How would you decide? Well, we can help you get started.…

For a long time I have disliked Page building tools, specially the Visual Composer. Visual Composer, now called WPBakery Page Builder was one of the earliest ones of the kind and came with almost every second premium theme on themeforest. So no matter what you bought, you’d be getting Visual Composer prebuilt. It had a…

Most people tend to get caught up in the aesthetics of web design, and spend hours (or more) agonizing over how it looks. While it is true that good web design is about aesthetics – that is only part of what it is. Understanding the criteria that is important for good web design is crucial…

Recently, the World Bank Group published the World Development Report (WDR) 2018 entitled as “Learning to Realize Education’s Promise” the first-ever edition entirely focused on education. The report warns of a learning crisis in global education and the severity of this in the deprived areas. Shockingly, there are still around 260 million children who aren’t even…

The world of eCommerce can be a competitive space. And with so many different aspects to keep up with in running your shop, it can be difficult to take a step back and look at how you can improve. However, that’s why I’m bringing you a few pointers to look out for when trying to…

Writing is magic, and the ones who write better are magicians. In online business, content is written by professionals known as content writers. These content writers are the ones who engage you in stuff like calls to action, news clips, press releases, and even blogs. Content writing is a good option for anyone who wishes…

Continuing from the last article on how to effectively read and learn from a book, I bring you the next in line – a topic which was better to be explained in a separate article – the trouble of correctly highlighting paragraphs. Highlighting is essential for understanding most of the topics and simply to highlight…