Get Higher Rankings on Google Maps: A Step by Step Guide
Every business wants to be featured at the top while anyone searches for a business in their area. But how can businesses get higher rankings on Google maps? The one-phrase answer is simple, by optimizing their Google Maps business listing.
Google Maps listing is a critical marketing tool for boosting any business. It is quite an easy and effective way for your customers/new clients to discover you. Additionally, this could be a great way of winning a competitive edge and generating more business that too for free.

You can leverage Google Maps and enjoy these benefits provided your listing has robust visibility. You must realize that Google would not automatically rank your business for searches in a specific area simply because your business has been listed in that area. We have already written an article on using Google My Business to boost local SEO here.
In this context, as per, the raw volume of Google’s searches is down hence, if their share seems to be rising or stable then it is obvious that competitors would be losing relatively more volume. This is precisely what has been demonstrated by the data. Bing’s search volume has gone down almost 60 percent ever since January 2016. Moreover, Yahoo’s search volume has gone down by almost 45 percent.
Research has revealed that 67 percent of consumers have a preference for Google Maps. Since users hardly ever look beyond the top few results while identifying a specific place to go, you need to ensure that your precise Google Maps listing has been fully-optimized to show up right at the top for relevant searches. Moreover, we understand that the top three listings on Google Maps will also be demonstrated in the usual Google search results wherever applicable. As 46 percent of Google searches have local intent, appearing in the ‘Local 3-pack’ could immensely boost your business’s visibility.
As we all know the importance of how Google Maps listing can benefit your business, let’s move to the main material: How to get higher rankings on Google Maps?
Step #1: Add Your Business/ Organization to Google Maps
It is pretty obvious that you cannot get a higher ranking or enjoy successful and robust Google Maps marketing until you have a listing for your business on Google Maps. In this context, you must know that anybody in the world is free to add their business as a listing on Google Maps.
It is best to see if your business listing is already present. However, there is no reason to be concerned or worried. Remember, irrespective of the person who has added your company to Google Maps, only the person who ultimately claims the listing after providing proof of ownership of that business will have control.
Step #2: Claim Your Business Listing on Google Maps
If you want your business or organization to get a higher rank on Google Maps, you must claim your listing. When you are creating a listing, you are simply providing the category, name, and location; however, when you claim your specific listing on Google Maps, you could successfully provide a lot more details regarding your business and remember a listing would achieve a higher ranking if it is packed with more valuable information.
The precondition for claiming your business or company listing is to set up an account on Google My Business for free. Go to the section about business listings on Google Maps and choose “Own this business” or “Claim this business” and accordingly follow all the prompts. Seek professional assistance from a trustworthy and reputed Digital Marketing Agency – Online Firm.
Step #3: Optimize Google Maps Business Listing
Once your business listing on Google Maps and your account on Google My Business are linked together, you are equipped and well-prepared to optimize for gaining a higher ranking on Google’s local search results. The more information and data your listing comes up with, the higher it would rank in search results. To add more information specifically to your listing, simply log into your account on Google My Business. You need to be consistent with the address and name. Consider using a local phone number. In the event that you are using call tracking, it is best to utilize a tracked number as your primary phone number for your business and consider using your main number basically as a secondary number. You must consider keeping your hours updated and remember to categorize your business properly.
Step #4: Add Pictures to Google Maps Business Listing
The business listings on Google Maps are not so attractive to consumers if they are not accompanied by pictures and they may not get high rankings as compared to Google Map listings with photos. Hence, to improve your ranking on Google Maps, consider uploading compelling and superlative photos to your Google Maps business listings. Ideally, a new picture must be added at least once daily.
Step #5: Ask Your Customers for Google Reviews
Since Google prefers what customers love, Google Maps will be assigning higher rankings to business listings that get positive customer reviews. How can you obtain customer reviews? Once you generate a business listing along with an appealing photo on Google Maps, this will automatically invite positive reviews because customers love photos. Be proactive and ask customers for reviews and you must respond promptly to the customer reviews.
Your prompt response demonstrates to other people how attentive and dedicated you are. When you respond to reviews, you make way for more of them. This is a great way of mitigating the damage caused by negative reviews. Reviews could be scary, however, bad reviews are usually very few and rare unless your services are really pathetic. Through prompt response, you could not only mitigate but even reverse damage caused by a bad review.
Step #6: Focus On Consolidating Your Google Maps Listings
Google generally discredits businesses that provide multiple locations or telephone numbers listed in the case of a single business. You need to delete all superfluous information and duplicate listings to make sure that your single most true listing will be getting a rank.
Step #7: Posting Consistently on Your Google Maps Really Helps
If you post on a regular basis and if you maintain consistency in your business listings on Google Maps, it will be transmitting signals to Google about your listing being managed proactively. This factor is taken into consideration while ranks are assigned.
‘Google Maps Business Listings’ are really becoming far more advanced and cutting-edge today. Moreover, they seem to be letting customers get whatever information they require very quickly so that customers could make informed buying decisions. Consider following the tips discussed above to ensure your visibility at the higher slots on Google Maps to gain better engagement and boost revenues.
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