15 Best Chemistry YouTube Channels for Chemistry Lovers
This is an attempt to list the best Chemistry YouTube channels for chemistry lovers/students specializing in Chemistry and related fields. These Chemistry YT Channels are useful for all types of students, including SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, JEE aspirants, NEET seekers and chemistry graduates.
The Internet has brought chemistry out of conventional classes and labs, especially YouTube. Since it was the science of trial and error, the things we did in labs couldn’t have been possible beyond that. But nowadays, everything is available online on shopping sites like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart. Tutors (and some students) use these tools and traditional and modern teaching methods to teach viewers.
Not just this, if you look away from YouTube, you can find many chemistry-based courses that are available online on sites like ocw.mit.edu, etc. This will be a discussion for future articles. But for now, let’s see what my picks are for the best chemistry YouTube channels run by the best chemistry teachers on YouTube.
Best Chemistry YouTube Channels
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Chemical Bouillon
Chemical Bouillion is a unique channel that brings together science and art in a unique manner. It aims to perform all kinds of chemical reactions and see whether they produce any new and intriguing patterns! It may sound bizarre, but it has actually become a highly appreciated form of abstract art. In a way, it is a reminder that chemistry is not the dreary and monotonous subject that it is often thought to be.
American Chemical Society
The American Chemical Society is a dedicated organization that promotes research and education in chemistry. Unlike what one might expect, their channel doesn’t really feature educational videos about chemistry. Rather, it features material like press releases from top chemical producers and interviews with well-known chemists in the industry. For budding chemists and professionals, this is a highly recommended channel.
CEN Online
This is the official YouTube account for a well-known publication of the American Chemical Society, Chemical & Engineering News. While the American Chemical Society’s YouTube channel features more intriguing content, CEO Online brings forth latest updates that are very useful for professionals in the field of chemistry. It is a highly recommended and reliable source of information for all working chemists.
ChemistNATE is an educational channel offering instructional screencasts on various University and High School level chemistry topics. Instead of covering broad chapters, these videos are geared more towards answering certain questions that are usually not explained in other channels. It is recommended for all chemistry students out there.
Tyler DeWitt
A high school teacher by profession, Tyler DeWitt has gained a massive following by virtue of his ability to simplify the fundamental concepts of advanced chemistry courses. If you are a student who has been struggling to understand the concepts of an AP or Intro chemistry course, you should definitely check out this channel. It may be redundant for experienced chemistry professionals, but it is an excellent resource for high school and university students. It is also helpful for students preparing for various competitive exams.
This is a channel developed by the faculty of the University of Colorado at Boulder. It doesn’t deal with videos of exciting chemical reactions, but advanced theoretical knowledge that is aimed at professionals in the field who are seeking to learn more. If you are in this particular group of audience, then you should definitely check it out. Apart from chemistry, this channel features a number of interesting science and engineering videos as well.
Yes, this channel is humorously titled after the phenomenon automatically visualized by a lot of people as soon as chemistry is mentioned. Its content is along the same lines as well, displaying stuff like waste objects being blasted apart using chemical reactions. There is enough material here to interest both chemists and non-chemists, and a great place for getting oriented to this wonderful discipline of science. As an aside, the creators of this channel are very serious about their chemistry, but not about themselves.
As its title implies, this channel is created by the same people who run Explosions&Fire. It is dedicated to practical chemical engineering and demonstrates how to put theoretical knowledge of chemistry into actual use. Being a relatively new channel, it has rather limited content as of now. However, whatever you see on here is of postgraduate-level quality.
Similar to Extractions&Ire, this channel is dedicated to the practical side of chemistry. From preparing glow sticks to thermite, it shows you everything. Whether you are a chemistry professional or a newcomer getting interested in chemistry, you will love the content on this channel. That is testified by the fact that it has received more than 100 million views since it was created in 2008.
CAMERA (Chemistry At Manchester Explains Research Advances)
As its name suggests, CAMERA is an initiative taken up by the University of Manchester. It offers details about certain important areas of contemporary research in chemistry, as well as the practical applications of chemistry in the university. For students interested in pursuing a career in chemistry, CAMERA offers a panoramic view of all aspects of this field.
Periodic Videos
Periodic Videos is owned by the University of Nottingham. This channel’s video content is short and easy to understand. It is largely geared towards making us understand the very soul of chemistry – that thing which actually developed our interest in this science.
This is a channel created by Adam Dylewski, the director of programming at PBS digital studios. It is owned by the American Chemical Society and PBS Digital Studios, and is aimed at spreading knowledge about the importance of chemistry in everyday life. It deals with intriguing topics related to medicinal chemistry, food chemistry, and the biomolecules found in living organisms.
For students and enthusiasts of the vast discipline of organic chemistry, this channel is an invaluable resource. It explains complicated reaction mechanisms and crucial concepts of organic chemistry in a simple manner using quality tutorials, step-by-step mechanisms, and richly detailed explanations of each and every step.
PLAY Chemistry
This channel presents well-researched and authentic chemistry content in the form of engaging animation videos. The material is regularly updated and covers a wide range of topics, which have been arranged sequentially. As of now, the channel covers the basics of chemistry for school-level courses and competitive examinations. Please note that this channel has content in both Hindi and English, and is focused entirely on Indian exams.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which one is the best among these?
Every channel listed in this article is unique and can be considered better than one-another in some ways. I suggest subscribing all for better results.
Where can I find more Chemistry YouTube Channels?
On Google, search for site:youtube.com Chemistry Channel. This way you can find more channels as per your needs. You can also change the keyword the get more refined results. Furthermore, you can search on Reddit for more user-based inputs.
I have a Chemistry YouTube channel. Can you list it?
Sure. Just quote your channel name or URL in my contact form — I will look into it and add that to the list.
Do you offer chemistry notes?
Yes. I have written some great articles about Chemistry. Check those here.
YouTube is no longer a platform meant solely for entertainment. Brilliant scientists from various disciplines of natural science have taken up the initiative to help struggling students and promote science education in society. Apart from presenting complicated concepts in simplified form, many of these channels also seek to attract the attention of bright young minds by introducing them to the most spectacular wonders of science. That doesn’t have to be something big – even an ammonium dichromate volcano can be a great place to start.
Although not definitive, the list of the best chemistry YouTube channels that I have presented here presents some of the best channels found on YouTube today.
This list is for everyone. Even if you are not a Chemistry student or teacher, you will still find these channels binge-worthy due to their interactive content.
There are new channels dedicated to chemistry being created almost every day, and contributing in unique ways to the ever-expanding universe of YouTube science content. Hopefully, they will incite inquisitiveness and a thirst for knowledge in more and more people.
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