4 Tips For Your First Digital Marketing Campaign

Launching your first digital marketing campaign is something that can feel intuitive, but it can also be quite a big hurdle. After all, digital marketing requires not only knowing what online channels to reach but also how often and with what message. And if this is a practice that you’re unfamiliar with, then there are a few helpful things you should consider before hopping in. Check them out below:

Establish Your Foundation

First digital marketing campaign

Digital marketing is all about creating an audience that will eventually become a community. Although that might sound like jargon, the difference comes down to how much you engage with your audience, as well as how much they’ll eventually buy from you. While it might be hard to predict how these different parties interact with you, establishing a plan of attack from the get-go is a must.

To begin, check out what inbound channels you might be able to compile, as well as how these foundational elements will work in place. These include items such as SEO, which as noted by the Search Engine journal, is where 93 percent of online experiences begin. Furthermore, you need to start following people on social media, as well as starting to connect with other companies in your industry. Another important piece here is knowing why these mediums will be beneficial, which can be one of the hardest parts. However, that’s why it’s valuable to start studying.

Study Your Audience

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Another key aspect of your digital marketing is how much you study your audience, as well as how you can reach them with the most effective messaging. This not only means knowing what mediums to approach but where your potential community lies within these platforms. For example, as noted by Pew Research, 35 percent of US Adults are currently on Instagram. That’s a massive audience to take on, which is why targeting is such an important tool.

Look through where your current customer base is and what medium they use. Starting out, it might not be a bad idea to try to “steal” followers from your competition, especially if you’re able to start engaging with them ASAP. Another aspect is looking at what tactics you can use to hack Instagram, especially if there is anything you can code that will help with targeting your audience. Your primary focus should be to make the audience one that will engage with you long-term, which starts with sparking the conversation.

Don’t Forget About Email

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Although many of us try to shy away from it, email marketing can be one of the most effective tools a marketer has. In fact, according to Constant Contact, for every dollar spent on email marketing, a staggering $38 is seen in return, which is a pretty good number. And if you haven’t established an email marketing plan, then that’s a must for your firm.

Start out by looking at different delivery services such as MailChimp and get a solid feel for what options they have. You want to find a template that’s going to lend well to the type of content you’re looking to produce and something that you can fill out consistently. Another good piece of note here is to create a calendar of when and what you’re going to post and stick with it, highlighting different aspects of your content to promote. While this might feel uncomfortable at first, once you get into the habit, you’ll be delving out marketing materials in no time.

Keep It Consistent


Finally, one of the most significant parts of any marketing campaign is the consistency of it and how often you’re engaging with your audience. This can be difficult, as we generally take a conservative approach to the number of times we should be posting on social media, especially coming from a personal perspective. However, as noted by Lucidpress, with it taking an average of 5 to 7 impressions for someone to remember your brand, repetition makes a lot more sense.

The most practical solution to this is establishing a content calendar and sticking to it, highlighting the different goals for each piece of content. Start working on a content calendar in collaborative software, such as Asana or Notion, especially if you need to share content with a team. Although it’ll take some legwork, this is also going to be something that you’ll eventually turn to habit, generating more inbound traffic in no time.

What strategies are you implementing as you plan your first digital marketing campaign? Share the tactics you’re trying in the comments.