
This is an attempt to list the best Chemistry YouTube channels for chemistry lovers/students specializing in Chemistry and related fields. These Chemistry YT Channels are useful for all types of students, including SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, JEE aspirants, NEET seekers and chemistry graduates. The Internet has brought chemistry out of conventional classes and labs, especially…

We all love YouTube. This is where videos go viral, and sidetracked individuals like me go to waste productive hours watching standup comedy and music videos. But from a marketing perspective, there are some real drawbacks to using the YouTube platform. It is not easy to rank as there are thousands of videos trying to get the under…

Starting a YouTube channel is easy but growing it enough to start making money off of it is a steep curve. If you’ve ever wondered what the prominent YouTubers have in common and how they have so many subscribers, I’ve got you covered. In this article, I will tell you how you can get more…

Video marketing, especially YouTube marketing, has become a successful endeavor for massive corporations to become independent videographers. Social media works as a catalyst in the process of boosting unique videos to such an extent that one viral video can give you all the fame and money you’ve ever desired for. Video making has become extremely…

In our everyday life , while trying YouTube videos we often come across notifications which prompt, “This video is Private or Unlisted” and as a result we cannot play those videos. Moreover , while uploading certain videos sometimes you don’t want the whole world to see those videos for this you can change its privacy…

One rare audio error that users face on YouTube is the YouTube Audio Renderer Error. Audio renderer error is caused when you try watching YouTube videos but due to the lack of proper integration between the Windows Sound Driver Frequencies and the ASIO Driver Frequencies, audio fails to render on browsers. One more reason for…

This is a complete guide to resultative SEO for YouTube videos. If you are a blogger, please refer to my other guide on SEO for beginners. Before we step to YouTube SEO, let’s build a solid understanding about YouTube itself. YouTube is more than just a video platform, by two main reasons. A: YouTube belongs…

When it comes to online video viewing, nothing beats YouTube. It has world’s largest video collection of all genres possible. Without a doubt, YouTube is so essential to video lovers, as Google is to search and Wikipedia is to research. Started in 2005 by three ex-PayPal employees, YouTube was bought by Google for a whopping $1.65 billion…

I just discovered Barry Martin’s Hopalong Orbits Visualizer — an excellent abstract visualization, which is rendered in 3D using Hopalong Attractor algorithm, WebGL and Mrdoob’s three.js project. Here is a demo video: Hop to the source website using your desktop browser (with WebGL and Javascript support) and enjoy the magic. Hopalong Attractor Algorithm Hopalong Attractor…

In 1904, the french Mathematician Henri Poincaré (en-US: Henri Poincare) posed an epoch-making question, which later came to be termed as Poincare Conjecture, in one of his papers, which asked: If a three-dimensional shape is simply connected, is it homeomorphic to the three-dimensional sphere? Henri Poincare – 1904 So what does it really mean? How…