Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing or Online Marketing is the art and commerce of selling products online. People are making loads of money using various Internet Marketing strategies. My Guides will help you become a better online marketer by taking you from the step one to step infinity — all step-by-step.

Subcategories of Internet Marketing

Instagram has grown tremendously, with over a billion active users every month. It has been offering an excellent platform for brands to promote their products and attract more customers. Although it is possible to attract attention with the help of influencers and Instagram ads, they do not always yield the desired results. To get the…

Before social media blew up and is now used by about half of the world’s population, it had humble beginnings. The first social media site was launched in 1997, although it was quite basic, only allowing users to upload a profile picture and make friends with other users. Shortly after, blogging sites began popping up…

We all love YouTube. This is where videos go viral, and sidetracked individuals like me go to waste productive hours watching standup comedy and music videos. But from a marketing perspective, there are some real drawbacks to using the YouTube platform. It is not easy to rank as there are thousands of videos trying to get the under…

If you are here hoping to learn about Affiliate Marketing, then one thing is for sure. You already know what this term means. It’s also clear that you are interested in earning with affiliate marketing. Over 90% of professional online marketers I know use affiliate marketing one way or another to earn money. And why…

The marketing game had changed forever when influencers came into the picture. Ever since social media blew up, many companies have turned to users with millions or billions of followers, subscribers, or fans to market their company. However, their authenticity is questioned as of late (read more) due to many reasons. Poor collaboration, sloppy handling,…

Starting a YouTube channel is easy but growing it enough to start making money off of it is a steep curve. If you’ve ever wondered what the prominent YouTubers have in common and how they have so many subscribers, I’ve got you covered. In this article, I will tell you how you can get more…

Is Google Adsense not getting approved or not paying much? Here are the best Google Adsense alternatives that you can use to make money from your blogs and websites. Advertising through ad banners is one of the most common ways to monetize a blog. I am sure that the majority of the bloggers out there…

A true content marketing strategy understands the importance of a product, website or business. Now, beyond the obvious reason for needing a website (to keep all of your content, products and business online), we need to view our website as a command center to do content distribution for our brand. At this point I am…

First off, I am a huge fan of creating a lot of content. There is a big debate going on in the content marketing world around whether search engines like long form content or frequent content. So naturally, I come under the latter camp. I don’t publish many blog articles, but there are sections like…

Every brand today relies in some way on digital marketing. Companies, brands, and entrepreneurs alike are feeling the power of digital marketing ideas. At this stage, deliberation and elaboration on the efficiency of digital marketing need no effort as it is a tried and tested way to market. How Digital Marketing Tools make the difference?…

You may have heard of the byword “growth hacking”, but growth marketing has got nothing to do with hacking. It is a goal-oriented process of conducting experiments, planning, designing new strategies, and improving the results of the targeted metric. As rightly described by Bruno Estrella – Head of user acquisition at Webflow, “Growth marketing is the…

Gone are the days when running errands meant heading to nearby stores. Ecommerce has become the default shopping method for millions worldwide. And at the center of it all? Amazon. Shopping malls, once the backbone of retail, have lost much of their dominance. In contrast, businesses with a strong online presence continue to thrive. Amazon…