How to Start Internet Marketing with a single website?

Who doesn’t want to earn money? Who won’t especially if the money comes sitting next to your laptop or computer? Online Money making is a sweet addiction that gets hold of every e-user sooner or later. This money-making process is somewhat very challenging in the beginning but once you start to figure out the what-to and what-not-to’s, things get easier. For pro-marketers, it becomes a child’s play. Just type and engage with the valued stuff and see the money flowing into your pockets. In this article, I’ll be guiding you on the basics of Internet marketing.

What is Internet marketing?

The word INTERNET MARKETING simply suggests that it is all about marketing stuffs on internet. The specific meaning of the term is no different from the former. However, some specialists think that e-commerce & some other online services, despite being done on internet, don’t come under internet marketing. In e-commerce you sell physical & virtual goods for money while some online services like web development & design, are hard-earned money for your time and work.

An average person can understand the term Internet marketing by the process of earning money by selling content & links to readers and clients. Following deeds are the most popular Internet marketing things:

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliated Marketing includes consumer repulsion to external sites (mainly shopping sites like Amazon, Myntra, Flipkart, Themeforest, Creative Market etc) using several conversion techniques.

Email Marketing

In email marketing, readers are converted into customers using mail lists.

Sponsored Posting

Promoting services and products (but not selling them) using targeted blog posts.

Selling Backlinks

Selling periodic external backlinks from authoritative sites.

Advertising / Pay per Click Programs

Showing text and banner ads using your own or Adsense/infolinks/chitika like ad-serving agencies.

Visitors Referring

Sending visitors to external sites using links from various parts of your site.

Forum Posting

Getting paid for posting to popular forums for someone else.


  • Selling Facebook Likes
  • Social Network Marketing
  • Offering Paid Support
  • E-Seminars

Internet Marketing is being tougher by time. Everyone, who has a blog, a webpage or even a Facebook page is into marketing online. They are making the internet an extremely competitive place day by day. In order to be a successful marketer, you must choose a market you are the best at. Any wrong selection may make you lose your investment and you will have to start from scratch every time.

How to choose a good market?

One of the hardest things you’ll ever do is the choice of a favorable market. You should ask many questions about the market you are going to join. For example:

  • Have I enough time for this?
  • Is it of low competition?
  • Has it many searches?
  • Do I know a lot about it, and, love it?
  • Will I be every bore about this market? How long will my passion continue?
  • Is this market ever going to lose in future?

After you know the answers and are satisfied with your selection, you can start Internet marketing. You choice can be very broad or very specific. For example, if you love shopping clothes at and have some affiliated Myntra coupons, you can start a coupon sharing portal to share Myntra Promo codes. This will profit both you and your readers. You will earn handy affiliated money and your readers will save money on their purchases thanks to you.  But before you really start to do so, you must look on your website or blog on which you’re planning to build your money-empire. You need to prepare your site for better exposure and trust.

How to ready your blog/website for Internet marketing?

There are some rules you must follow to build a perfectly affiliated website.

  1. Get a domain name reflecting your market & marketing skills.
  2. Customize your site for better and conversion ready look.
  3. Do proper keyword research.
  4. Learn SEO. Do SEO.
  5. Win Google’s trust.
  6. Track Google algorithm changes.
  7. Write regularly.
  8. Allow track-backs & comments.
  9. Link to similar websites.
  10. Exchange links with authority websites.
  11. Track readers.
  12. Allow RSS & Email subscriptions.


Internet marketing is only as hard as you make it to be.

With unlimited possibilities, Internet marketing turns easier once you become familiar with it. If you are willing to be an Internet marketer, start as soon as possible. Because the Internet (especially Google) changes every night and the rules are not always the same. The faster you learn the best marketing techniques and tools now, the easier it will be for you once they change and start to become more complicated.