The Best Public Places to study in for the Best Effect
It can be really hard to study and sometimes, it can become harder because studying at school can’t help you that much. So, where can you go if you need to lumber along yet research as much as you can? In colleges and universities, you have a lot of places to choose from. However, these places may not be familiar to a student like you, or you have not discovered that those places could be your next study destination. You may be surprised that most of the time an off-campus study area can be more efficient than your “normal” study spot.
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Pros and cons of studying in public places

Like anything else in this world, studying in public places has its advantages and disadvantages. You can weigh these things to help you decide whether or not it would be the best option for you.
Pros of studying in public places
You will have more room
Being out in the open, you’ll be able to lay everything out. You won’t be cramped in a limited area such as a school chair. Why? Well, there’s just too much room for you to breathe and move. You should also know that getting cramped in a tiny area can actually be distracting in a lot of ways and hinder your academic productivity.
You and your study buddy/buddies would be accommodated
Most of the time, it can be tedious to study all by yourself. However, with the limited space at school, you have no choice but to do so. The great news is that the outdoors can help you with this problem. If you want to study with a partner and quiz each other, you can both study in a common space. The additional room will allow you to sit in without getting cautious of others.
You won’t become deaf because of the lack of noise
Sometimes, pure silence can be deafening. This is why there are college students who enjoy studying with a little bit of noise. However, the sound that you’d hear won’t cause you to goof off, but instead work harder. There are public places that you can study in where other people are also studying or even working, which in turn may encourage you to do the same.
The cons of studying in public places
There are other people besides you
When you’re studying in a public place, chances you’re not the only person around. There would be your roommates, other students, passersby, workers, etc. Thus, you won’t have control over who are the people coming and going out of the place, which means you will also have no control over what they do or how much noise they make.
You will have limited academic resources
Unless you plan to bring your whole study load with you, then you won’t have them with you. If you forget a pen or a notebook, the tendency would either be you going back to get it or postponing your study session. You also may not have the resources that your school can provide like reference books.
You will experience lack of comfort
Since you’re staying and studying in a public place, you won’t be able to make it fit according to what you want and need. There are places that are too noisy, too crowded, or too hot. These sites may not also have comfortable and clean chairs and tables or don’t have enough lighting to help you read. In short, you have little to no control over the place that you’re in.
Best Public Places To Study In For The Best Effect

On-campus or public library
A lot of students turn to different libraries in your campus because it can let them study well, find a place where they comfortably sit, and enough room to help them set up their school materials. Your university may have a primary library and other libraries that are smaller. These libraries are an excellent option for you since:
- You can stay close to your campus and dorms
- You can study in between your classes
- You can quickly reach any book that you may need
If you have extra time and can spare it on going somewhere a bit further, you can go to an off-campus library. They also have the same amenities as your campus library. You don’t need to worry that there might not be one near you. It might even be better than the library on your campus because:
- You don’t need to compete with the students in your university for the seats
- You’ll be guaranteed quiet since it most likely has policies to keep everyone silent
- You can have a study area that you can explore
- You may not bump into someone you know that may distract you
So before your next exam or if you need somewhere you can hang out and still study, explore your campus libraries or any public library near you.
A coffee shop or cafe
You can study, relax, and sip a cup of good coffee in a coffee shop. A place like a cafe can be one of the best locations for your study if you’re someone who’s addicted to caffeine or likes to have a great snack within reach. A coffee shop like Starbucks can be too crowded and noisy, which might hinder you from studying productively. However, you can expand your search to look for much smaller coffee shops where there would be fewer people and less noise.
If that kind of setting is not your style, you can opt to go to an off-campus restaurant. They have more significant spaces and great food for lunch or dinner time. However, you should know that a restaurant caters to a lot of people, so you’d have to be prepared for the noise and business of the place.
If the season is warmer, then you can try going to the nearest park. It can be a perfect study spot for you since it will allow you to soak yourself up with sun rays. Studying in the park will also let you breathe in fresh air. The fresh air and warmth of the sun might even incentivize you to study more.
If you want to go to the park to study, you should:
- Check the weather before leaving
- Bring a jacket in case it gets too cold, or it would rain
- Take all of your studying materials with you
- Bring snacks with you
- Bring a towel or blanket
Off-campus housings or Friend’s Place
Studying in off-campus housing or a friend’s place can be good place for you to study alone, with a friend, study buddy, or study group members. Just make sure that when you plan to study at a friend’s place, condominium, or apartment, make sure that you focus on studying and not do something else.
- Don’t get distracted by devices such as television or other devices
- Never keep on talking with the people with you
- Never be lured to go drinking
You should set yourself up in a large and comfortable place such as the living room or dining room. In these areas, you will have ample space to lay out your notes and sit appropriately with your study group or friends.
If you plan to study alone, make sure that you keep away all of the possible distraction. Also, make sure that you have snacks and drinks within reach. Doing these things will make you put all your attention on studying until you finish.
A bookstore
If you’re looking for something that’s suited to the needs of a student like you, you can go to a bookstore with a cafe in it. This kind of coffee shops/bookstore has great seats while providing you resources that you may need while studying.
Another great thing about being at a bookstore is that you’ll have access to unlimited information. You’ll be within reach of books and magazines if you want to look for an answer immediately.
Lastly, bookstores are not crowded, making them less noisy but not dead quiet.
If you don’t want to be distracted by your friends or other people in the library, you can try going to a classroom that’s empty. It might not be as comfortable as other places on this list; however, you can easily access the necessary information. You might also get lucky and have a teacher pop in and out of the classroom while you’re there. You would also have the quiet that you want.
Another good thing about classrooms is that they give you the feeling of wanting to study. The moment that you take a seat, your brain would automatically assume that it needs to get started on the school work.
If you plan to study in a classroom, make sure that you ask permission from a teacher, and whether he/she doesn’t mind that you’re staying there.
Community center
There are times that the library can be too far away from you. You may also not enjoy the setting they have in the library. However, if there’s a community center near, you might want to take a look at it. A lot of community centers have a lot of rooms, and some of those rooms are dedicated to studying. Community centers also have rooms for exercising, which you can utilize if you’re too sleepy or your body is aching while studying. Exercising can help you reduce the stress you feel before your test.
Tutorial point/Coaching center
It can be easy to find a place to study; however, it can be hard to stay focused. If you’re someone who has a hard time to study, then maybe you should head to the nearest tutoring center. It will help bring up your GPA, which you surely want to have because you’ll have people guiding you along the way.
Tutoring centers, as their name implies, have tutors who can help you with the topics you’re having difficulties. However, the only catch is that you’d have to shell out a bit of cash. It would worth it though since the tutors can give you tips and help you study better.
Tutoring centers are not hard to find as they’re usually near libraries or colleges, especially if you know where you can look for them.
In Conclusion
Learning and studying is a crucial part of your life, especially if you want to have good grades and do better in school. However, there can be distractions that might hinder you from focusing on your learning and help you get the work done. If you find the best place to study it will significantly improve the way you study, remember all the necessary information, improve your performance, and speed things up. While there are a lot of places that you could go to, these public places that we have listed above can be beneficial in assisting you in concentrating and achieving your goals.
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