GeneratePress One Discount Code and Offers

Looking for a GeneratePress One discount code? Unfortunately, GeneratePress no longer offers promo codes or coupons. But, you can take advantage of discounts during events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales.

Regular Price$149/year
Black Friday Price$119/year
Offer Starts20 November 2024
Redeem OfferClick here
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Check for the GeneratePress One discount

GeneratePress is an industry leader in SEO and performance for WordPress sites.

About GeneratePress One

About GeneratePress One

GeneratePress One is an all-in-one premium subscription package for WordPress users. It includes GP Premium, GenerateBlocks Pro, and GenerateCloud, along with full access to the Starter Sites and Pattern Library.

This package is designed to enhance site-building with more customization options, professional design tools, and advanced functionality for faster, more efficient websites. It also includes access to all future products and priority email support for one year.

The cost for GeneratePress One is normally $149 per year for unlimited sites.

Let’s see what is included in GeneratePress One:

  1. GeneratePress Premium ($59 per year, if bought separately)
  2. GenerateBlocks Pro ($99 per year, if bought separately)
  3. GenerateCloud ($99 per year, if bought separately)

GeneratePress Premium (Theme Addon)

Theme GeneratePress DrLmT0nG

GeneratePress Premium is an extension to the GeneratePress theme that adds tons of features, including customization controls, starter sites, and block-based theme building with GenerateBlocks.

Features of GeneratePress Premium

  • Ultra-fast theme performance
  • Highly customizable with design controls
  • Mobile-friendly and SEO-optimized
  • Developer-friendly with hooks and filters
  • Site Library with professional starter templates
  • Lightweight with no jQuery dependency
  • Use on unlimited websites with one license.
  • 30-Day money-back guarantee

GenerateBlocks Pro (Plugin Addon)

GenerateBlocks Build better WordPress sites with GenerateBlocks 5P3MTzEO

GenerateBlocks Pro is kind of an upgrade to the free GenerateBlocks plugin, designed to enhance the block editor experience in WordPress. It allows users to create custom layouts with lightweight, performance-optimized blocks.

GenerateBlocks Pro adds premium features such as global styles, advanced typography, backgrounds, and effects for even more design flexibility.

It integrates seamlessly with the GeneratePress theme but can also be used with other themes, making it ideal for building highly customizable and fast-loading websites without the need for additional heavy page builders.

GenerateCloud (Personal Template Library)

GenerateCloud is a cloud-based service by GeneratePress that allows users to store, manage, and share custom templates, patterns, and other design elements in a cloud library. It helps streamline the design process by enabling users to access their saved elements across different sites and devices, promoting consistency and efficiency in website building.

GenerateCloud is especially useful for developers or agencies managing multiple projects, as it integrates directly into the GeneratePress ecosystem, making it easier to reuse and deploy assets.

GeneratePress One Pricing

GeneratePress One provides full access to all products, including future updates and exclusive features.

There are two pricing options available:

PlanPriceWebsitesSupport & Updates
Yearly$149 per yearUnlimited1 Year
LifetimeNot Available NowUnlimitedN/A

GeneratePress One Discount

During major sales events like Black Friday, you can get up to $30 OFF the yearly plan. This is the best discount of the year.

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