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Content is the king. This jargon has been heard many times.  But great content alone will not do the trick. Having exceptional blogs, great articles and random keywords thrown in might catch the users’ eye but will fail to hold their interest for a longer time. Content that is SEO worthy will spin its magic…

As businesses take more and more of their operations online, cyber security is incredibly important. You need to protect your assets, your employees and most importantly, the information and data that your employees trust you to keep private. With the rates of data breaches and hacks skyrocketing over the past few years, this focus on…

With so much competition on the Internet, businesses are battling to be seen on search engines. The more visibility you have on search engines, especially on the first page or first few pages, the higher traffic your website can get and the more sales for your business. How do you stand out among the rest?…

If you’re into photography, it’s a given that taking photos is a lot of fun. However, there will come a time when it’s not enough. Eventually, you will want to share your images with the world. A blog is a great way to do that! Blogging sounds easy, but it’s not. It can be especially…

While selling houses might seem like an easy job, especially to sales enthusiasts, getting a real estate license might not be so easy. You need to undertake a curse in real estate and take a licensing exam before making your application and working with a broker. This article was written with US real estate market…

For the longest time, the “make money blogging” craze was all the rage, right? This resulted in sort of a gold rush of bloggers fighting tooth and nail to drive traffic and build a rabid audience of readers. This resulted in sort of a gold rush of bloggers fighting tooth and nail to drive traffic…

Are you a local business owner and planning to build your mobile app? Whether you are a start-up or an established company, everyone needs an online presence nowadays. Apps and websites are necessary for today’s marketing strategies and will give you more engagement to sell your products—even when you’re asleep. If you do not have…

Did you know that about 4 billion people worldwide use a search engine daily to find information online? If you’re a dentist who owns a website for your clinic, it’s paramount to understand the role of search engine optimization (SEO) in your digital marketing strategy. You may be wondering why your ranking has gradually sunk…

If you are a business owner, then you must already know that to be successful in the world of business entrepreneurship, you will have to have a fully functional business website. A business website is essential to ensure that you develop a strong presence for your business venture online. However, it will not be of…

As your business keeps growing, there are a few adjustments that come with it. This has everything to do with keeping up with the market trends. By any measure, rebranding is not an easy undertaking. Needless to say, effective rebranding has seen many companies and businesses distance themselves from a season of low income to…

Hiring the right employees can be a lengthy and expensive process, but there are some streamlining options for the whole recruitment process that you can take advantage of. It’s a fact that the most valuable resource for any business is the workforce that it has, and if you want to ensure that your business has…

Debates about which form of advertising, CPM, CPC or CPA, is more profitable, have been lasting for long and will hardly ever finish. Each advertiser and publisher should know the nature of all of them and when to implement it. In this article, we are going study all these approaches and reveal the pros, cons…