
Easy to use how-to guides and tutorials for beginners. All these tutorials are created by Gaurav Tiwari and his team with laymen in mind. With easy step-by-step guides, proper screenshots and video guides (when required) these tutorials are your best bet to achieve something awesome.

Did you know that you can pay off your loans using a Credit Card? Here’s how. Can you imagine a life without credit cards? It would mean no online shopping, carrying wads of cash on your vacations and ensuring that you always have money in your wallet. Millennials will find it hard to imagine such…

So, you know about RecordCast? Or maybe you have heard about this tool for the first time. But are you looking for a way to record and save your screen as recording? Maybe you want to record the lessons in distance learning to review them in case you missed something. Or you may want to…

Are you looking for ideas on how to prepare for CAT 2022 exam? You have come to the right place. In this article, I will guide you through, step-by-step on how to prepare for India’s finest exams and how to ensure your admission to the best IIMs. First of all, CAT requires two things: a…

Everybody knows that the main purpose of any for-profit firm is, well, profit! Everybody likes profit, whether it means more money to invest back into the firm or more cash in your pocket. Increased profit is achieved through taking on more clients and/or winning more cases. It goes without saying that if your legal business…

Found something interesting on Twitter, now known as X, like a photo or a video? Now you might be wanting to share that to a friend or just want to save that to your desktop. Using Twitter Downloaders, you can save and share photos or videos to anyone you want. These downloaders can either be…

If you are here hoping to learn about Affiliate Marketing, then one thing is for sure. You already know what this term means. It’s also clear that you are interested in earning with affiliate marketing. Over 90% of professional online marketers I know use affiliate marketing one way or another to earn money. And why…

Without customers, your business wouldn’t last very long. They are your source of income and the lifeblood of your operations. For people that run their own businesses, the notion of “being your own boss” is wrong. In reality, your customers and clients are your superior, paying your wages, and telling you what work should be done.  In many cases,…

As part of any successful job hunt, eventually the company will contact you and make a job offer.  This may be a formal written offer, a verbal offer or a verbal offer with the details to be written up and sent to you upon acceptance.  Some job candidates get stressed out at this point and…

It’s true that a beautiful photography portfolio is a must-have for a successful photography website. However, photographers aren’t the only people who can benefit from this addition to their sites. You can use portfolios to show off products, highlight events, and improve your SEO. And with a WordPress website, you can create a portfolio easily,…

Times are changing and for your blog to rock in 2025 you need to change along with them. You need to make your blog ready for 2025 and beyond. Today it’s not about the length of your posts but their format. You also need to accept that social media and smart devices are dominating the…

There are very few bloggers who realize that most of a popular blog’s traffic consists of the returning visitors. Of course, new visitors is something that will consist of over 85% of your daily traffic, but it is very important that you take utmost care to make sure that a one time visitor should make…