Dave is one of the best cash advance apps available to help you get cash when you need it. It also helps you manage your personal finance with ease. But what if you are done with Dave, didn’t get approved or don’t like their policies. In this article, I have listed the 10 best apps…
Finance articles, guides and tools to help you save a little of more money that can bring change in your lives.
The answer to what is asset tokenization is that it is a fairly basic concept that can, however, be a little confusing for some people to grasp right away. The process of tokenization helps in converting physical and non-physical assets into the blockchain system. The scope of tokenization has gradually extended to a number of…
A family budget is commonly expressed as a creation of a plan that includes consideration of family income and family expenditure for a set time frame. The set time frame depends on the household or individual and can be weekly, monthly, or yearly. Sometimes, the yearly family budget is further divided into quarterly or half-yearly.…
The cryptocurrency world has grown from obscure to mainstream and popular in no time at all. In , the world has grown exponentially, with many new Initial Coin Offerings and new cryptocurrency exchanges joining the marketplace. A few years ago, most of us were skeptical about this digital currency world, but today it is something…
Before we can move ahead to understand the topic in-depth, let me give you two examples. Example – 1 Imagine a student who is determined to secure the highest score for a particular semester. Although he is determined about his goal, don’t you think there are other determinants that either enforce or distract him? It…
When it comes to small businesses, CRM, accounting, and bookkeeping are the big three. You need top-notch tools, and they shouldn’t break the bank. Here are the top 15 accounting and bookkeeping software options for small businesses. These software programs are popular among brands worldwide and won’t break the bank. Some even offer free trials,…
Are you ready to start trading stocks but are unsure of the first steps to take? If yes, then you’re in just the right place. The stock market is a path that can potentially lead you to gain immense profits. However, the peril of volatility is omnipresent along this path as well. As a trader…
A financial consultant is basically a kind of financial advisor who carries out an audit of your present financial position and comes up with an informed strategy to help you plan out how to achieve your objectives in both the near and distant future. They work in close association with their clients to help them…
If you are looking for a way to earn more money, one of the best methods is to invest in stocks, as I have mentioned here. If you learn how to invest in a prudent and patient manner over a long period of time, you can get incredibly profitable returns in due time. It is…
Many people dream of achieving financial freedom. Being free of all loans, debts and burdens. But as the time passes, people get loaded with more and more of these financial burdens. So is there a way financial freedom can be achieved? Yes. To achieve financial freedom you must follow a set of rules and constrain…
Trading is a very complex and detailed process. Those who are not familiar with this industry have a very vague perception about doing successful trading. Today trading is a very active topic all over the world and global pandemics have affected this industry in a positive way since a lot of people were sitting at…
Did you know that you can pay off your loans using a Credit Card? Here’s how. Can you imagine a life without credit cards? It would mean no online shopping, carrying wads of cash on your vacations and ensuring that you always have money in your wallet. Millennials will find it hard to imagine such…