8 Best Email Writing Techniques to Boost Email Conversion
Email marketing campaigns are among the most popular marketing methods, as they have the highest ROI of any other marketing campaign. That being said, email is often overused for marketing purposes, and as it goes, potential leads are overfed.
This results in an overall lowering of the success rates of various email marketing campaigns, resulting in a lower ROI. That is why you need to tune and optimize your best email writing techniques.
What is an Email Conversion?
In email marketing, an email conversion is a conversion of a lead you’ve initiated through your email campaign. A return email means a potential client and a much better prospect of closing the business than you’ve had with your initial lead list. Successful email contact will lead to conversion and will, ultimately, mean revenue for your business.
Best Email Writing Techniques to Boost Email Conversion
If you do not want to be among those who overinvest in their marketing campaigns just to see marginal results, you may want to have a very analytical approach to your marketing campaign. We’ve tried to pull on the best practices out there and compose a very detailed guide on writing for your email marketing campaign.
Here are steps that you should take to ensure more email conversions and a better ROI rate.
- Start with a Good Research
- Come Up with a Coherent Outline
- Come Up with a Good Structure
- Write 3+ Versions of the Same Marketing Email
- Focus on Substance, Not Length
- Personalize Your Marketing Email
- Integrate a Single CTA
- Create a Catchy Subject Line, but Avoid Fishing
Let’s see these in detail.
Start with a Good Research
Knowing your audience is the first step to a successful marketing campaign that cannot be overstressed. Becoming familiar with the needs and hopes of your audience is an absolutely crucial step in early assessing your email marketing. With this in mind, you should also know their level of knowledge, as well as any other specificities that you deem Important. Interact with your audience, as this is the best way to get to know them.
Come Up with a Coherent Outline
Once you know the audience, it is important to assess their needs and structure your email that way. You can also use basic keyword research to know which phrases to use in your subject line and email body. We are not talking about SEO practices here but rather about knowing the phrases people use to describe their needs. Use these in headings if you decide to have any.
Come Up with a Good Structure
Coming up with a good structure is the next logical step. So far, we’ve analyzed our audience, market needs and search terms. Now, it is time to compile them all into a single document that should engage the audience the right way. If you find this difficult, delegating this part of the work to a writing service like TrustMyPaper gives good results. Here are some email structure samples that they frequently use:
- BAB – Before After Bridge.
- PAS – Problem Agitate Solve.
- AIDA – Attention Interest Desire Action.
Write 3+ Versions of the Same Marketing Email
Once the basic outline and structure are there, it is time to come up with three (or more) drafts of the email you would like to send out. Take your time, especially with revision and editing. Let the emails aside for a day or two and come back cold-headed – the email that seems the best for you is probably the one you should use.
Focus on Substance, Not Length
Run one last check of your email. Do not stress if there is too little or too much content. Emails that are too short lack information, and not everyone wants to visit your website to learn about your products. On the other hand, long emails (typically over 500 words) give you the freedom to express what you have to say and may offer better results. Whenever you do any writing, always put substance and writing quality first.
If you need some quality academic writing, you can always hire a professional from a content writing company like Gatilab, TrustMyPaper or Best Essays Education and others. These can deliver qualitative pieces of academic text aimed at specific audiences. This way, you are sure that every line is a punch line.
Personalize Your Marketing Email
Always know to whom you are sending the email. After getting to know your audience, it is time to learn more about individual leads, especially if you provide services and have limited space for new clients. Write for specific people, and avoid generic emails that are a rewrite of older emails – the audience’s needs change with time.
Integrate a Single CTA
Integrating too many CTAs may prove to be a futile task, as people do not know where to click and what to focus on. A single CTA can be present in multiple places in an email, but it should always call for the same action. Too many CTAs are likely to push your customers away.
Create a Catchy Subject Line, but Avoid Fishing
Once your CTA is integrated, it is time to think of a catchy subject line. Subject lines should never be too long – up to 6 words should be enough, as they result in a 29% click rate. Avoid fishing in emails – it is better to stick to facts and not to lure people with too high of expectations.
Final Considerations
A successful email conversion leads to a business deal being made. It may seem difficult at first, especially as emails become overused over time, but spacing your email marketing campaign the right way and ensuring that both the structure and content are appropriate to your business ensure a higher success rate.
Leaving an impact on the end customer is always worth the extra time spent in writing for good email conversion, so follow our tips and prepare to run some analytics.