Over the years, various studies have shown that it takes, on average, somewhere between six and eight years to complete a Ph.D. program. That’s an intimidating prospect, but it needn’t take so long if you focus on certain things at an early stage. These factors include where you choose to take the program, who your…
Welcome to my Research category! Here, I share my latest findings, insights, and updates from my ongoing projects. It’s a space where curiosity meets discovery, and I’m excited to take you along on this journey. You’ll find everything from interesting experiments to thoughtful analyses, all presented in an approachable and friendly manner. I hope this inspires you to explore and engage with the world of research alongside me!
Many journals ask authors to suggest a list of three to six peer reviewers during journal submission. And then, the journal editors use those peer reviewers to review the paper before publishing it. The process is simple for journal editors and authors. But doing it perfectly is really tough if you don’t know your way…
Today, the average cost of downloading a research paper is roughly around $30. This is because of the present model, which has publicly funded research locked behind paywalls established by publishers, who don’t really add much extra value by themselves. As a result, many researchers and other people who are aware of this issue have…
I woke up today (29th June 2021) with a piece of news that the Riemann Hypothesis has been solved. But looks like that was all just a fuss. Indian newspapers, The Hindu, The Quint, Hindustan Times, etc., everyone reported that a Hyderabad-based mathematician has succeeded in solving this $1 million question. Riemann Hypothesis is one…
Citation is the process in which you cite (refer, quote or pronounce) sources of the particular information you have added to your content. In this way, you tell the reader that your information belongs to that particular site. By doing this, your readers can seek help from the site you have cited. They can check…
Our reader Eswar Chellappa has sent his work on the solution of ‘3X+1’ problem, also called Collatz Conjecture. He had been working on the proof of Collatz Conjecture off and on for almost ten years. The Collatz Conjecture can be quoted as follow: Let $\phi : \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}^+$ be a function defined such that: $$\phi(x):=…
Online communities are groups of web-savvy individuals who share communal interests. A community can be developed with just a single topic or by a bunch of philosophies. A better community binds its members through substantial debates. Mathematics is a very popular communal interest and there are hundreds of online communities formed in both Q&A and…
This is a continuation of the series of summer projects sponsored by department of science and technology, government of India. In this project work, I have worked to collect and expand what Ramanujan did with Nested Radicals and summarized all important facts into the one article. In the article, there are formulas, formulas and only…
About This post is actually a summary of a research project I took under INSPIRE-SHE Scholarship Program by the Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. My plan was to make the content open-source on the web that faults could be corrected by time. The language is simple and very easy to understand and…
Ramanujan (1887-1920) discovered some formulas on algebraic nested radicals. This article is based on one of those formulas. The main aim of this article is to discuss and derive them intuitively. Nested radicals have many applications in Number Theory as well as in Numerical Methods . The simple binomial theorem of degree 2 can be…
An old yet beautiful untabled listing of highly interactive mathematics related articles and papers available online.
Before my college days I used to multiply this way. But as time passed, I learned new things. In a Hindi magazine named “Bhaskar Lakshya”, I read an article in which a columnist ( I can’t remember his name) suggested how to multiply in single line (row). That was a magic to me. I found doing multiplications…