Does Blogger Outreach for Link Building Really Work?

A website is vital to a business’ success. A website can become the most convenient avenue for businesses to reach out to potential customers and for customers to express their concerns about a product or service.

Additionally, a website can become a business’ leverage against the competition. When you have a well-designed and informative website, more and more customers will be acquainted with your business.

Once they know about offerings, it’ll be easy for them to do business with you. But since almost all businesses are keen with their online marketing efforts, yours should be two steps ahead of the competition. Your website should stand out so customers can determine your brand – and this is something you can achieve through link building.


Link building, basically, is a process of getting links from other sites which are either high authority, high-quality or relevant based on your business’ niche. The quality and relevancy of these links can affect your SEO rankings. Google’s algorithm can detect if your website is trustworthy enough through these links and if it is, Google will reward you by placing you on top of the SEO results. Aside from these, link building is essential to any business because:

  1. It can improve the visibility of your business, brand or website in the SEO results.
  2. It can become the reason why your website can receive more traffic – traffic which can eventually become your paying customers.
  3. It can help your website become a credible and valuable source especially when quality content is written and published regularly.
  4. It can help your website in getting indexed in the SEO results quicker.
  5. It is a vital part of SEO.

Can Blogger Outreach Really Help?

blogger outreach

There are many ways on how your business can engage in link building. You can post infographics, make videos or dofollow social bookmarking websites. However, when you’re still a neophyte in the business industry or you have too much on your plate, doing all of these can compromise your business’ operations. Fortunately, blogger outreach can help with your link building efforts.

Blogger outreach, or as what others would call influence marketing, involves a business owner who would ask for the help of an influential blogger for exposure. The business owner would usually look for a blogger who writes content in the same niche as the business and ask the blogger to highlight the business in their blogs. This could be helpful, especially if a business is able to work with a blogger who has a large social media following.

How Blogger Outreach can be done?

In terms of link building, blogger outreach can be done by:

Working with expert contributors: There are many bloggers online. Regardless of your business’ niche, you’ll find a handful of bloggers who write topics relevant to this niche. With blogger outreach, reach out to as many bloggers as you can. Work with them and have them use your link. Remember, the more credible sites linking back to your site, the better it is for your SEO rankings.

Putting an embed code within an embed code: If you’re using an infographic for your website, an embed code can be available to anyone who wishes to use the data. Take it up a notch by tweaking that embed code in the infographics. When bloggers embed the infographics on their site, they’re not only getting the image, but they’re also linking back to your site.

Adding a link to shared photos: Are there any photos from your website that are often shared? Using tools such as Google search or Google Alert, you can determine who shares your photos. Reach out to them and ask if it’s possible to put your credit link in the photos meta field. Once they agree, people will instantly reach your site once they click the photo.

Reaching out on Twitter: Twitter is a free social media platform so use it to your business’ advantage. Start by following bloggers and writers who are working in the same industry as your business and start creating a professional relationship with them. Comment, retweet and like their posts. Soon enough, these influencers will include your link(s) inside their posts. They might even invite you to guest post!

Mentioning bloggers on your posts: If you’re comfortable in producing your own content, don’t forget to mention some influential bloggers. You may use them as a great example to a statement or another resource to a diverse topic. The key in making this attempt successful is by letting these bloggers know that you’re doing it. Once you’ve posted your content, they’ll take care of the rest. They might share your post on their social media accounts or mention your link in their next blog post.

Using A Strategy Can Help

As a business owner in the 21st century, you don’t only have to think about your customers, competition, and offerings. Today, you also have to exhaust your resources to create a name on the World Wide Web. This is where customers are searching for businesses so if you want them to choose you, make your existence known.

Let them know that your business exists. Doing all of this can become a challenge, but everything can come easier when you use blogger outreach for link building. This can be your strategy for your business to thrive and succeed over time!

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