10 Working Tips to Master Your Next Job Interview

Are you seeking a competitive co-op position or internship in global companies? If you have decided to pursue accounting or journalism, having some tips will broaden your horizons and you will be more confident & can master your next job interview.

When you are a student and you have just graduated from university, it is not surprising that any job interview really looks to be a nightmare. You are scared, you do not know what to say and the worst thing is you don’t know how to be prepared for the D-day.

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We have decided to provide 10 proven tips which will fit both if you have just graduated from university or you have been working for 25+ years.

Today there are many trends in interviews and features you have to be aware of. Knowing all of these tips and questions we guarantee that you will have no troubles to pass your next job interview.

You will find a few tips on preparation, questions and additional tips on how to reply your possible future boss to get this job. The last but not the least is how to find out this for company does not worth your attention and you’d run from it.

1. General Preparation

Dreams and goals are not the same. Dream is something vague, goal is something specific and with clear deadlines. Preparation for the interview should be as specific as your goals.

Answering any question is easy when you understand your goal, lik:

  • How do you understand your life in the next five years?
  • What do you think of the current economic situation in Europe?

You cannot be prepared to all of these questions, but general preparation is your ace. Take a piece of paper and write down all of your professional goals for the next 5 years, it will clear your mind and will help to reply instantly.

2. Prepare to Answer Classic Questions

This time you can prepare with specific questions. They really do exist.

These are just a few standard interview questions and you have all chances to prepare.

3. Take Some Data and Hard Numbers to Back Up What You Have Done in Your Career

Similar to how all these numbers give you’re a credit, having solid data woven into your story helps give it weight.

Your numbers don’t have to be pinpoint accurate. But do make sure that they are verifiable and that the important points check out, just if your possible future boss or hiring manager decides to check it up.

For instance, in some companies, one candidate failed the whole thing because he consciously or unconsciously switched the genders of someone who was involved in a story he told the interviewers.

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Although, it might have been an insignificant detail, the change made him seem dishonest to the decision-making panel.

4. Take a Mirror and Practice

Take a mirror and pretend that you talk to a hiring manager. Such visualization will help to do a pre-play for the day. Pretend what you answer, how you answer and which possible misunderstandings there could be.

It is important to lock yourself in your room and ask your cats, mom, dad, wife or kids do not withdraw you. Then say your responses to the questions! Make sure you keep your stories short. Say your own view and tell the story (read about storytelling).

5. Print Out a List of References

Make sure you have permission to use them and print them out. References will do you a lot of good. Just a few people who know you well can add significant bonuses to your career.

These are not just people who will sing you praises, they have to be professionals who can prove your skills. Full names, e-mail address or phone numbers are required.

Since we live in the Internet era, you can add LinkedIn or Facebook link and a hiring manager will be able to contact them.

Many people are being asked for a list of references during an interview, some of them are not, but it is something that brings you a nice bonus.

6. Take a Kit

Are you looking for head of marketing position? Then take a marketing kit with you. Do you want to be a fashion designer?

Sketches and photos should be demonstrated by all means. To take it into a nutshell, make sure you took your portfolio with you. It will help you to have even more chances to be a part of the team. Don’t forget to edit your resume and take it with you to the interview.

7. Google About Your Hiring Manager

If you realize who will be interviewing you and you have researched him, believe us, you will be way more confident. Google will help you to gather reviews, feedbacks and even rumours about that person.

We do not call you to believe everything Internet shows and says, it will help to prepare for the interview.

8. Ask About Interview Format in Advance

Date, place and time. Initially it will show a hiring manager that you take your time as needed. And it is really important to understand because there are different types of considerations.

For instance, software developers go through a technical interview before a behavioural one. Then they go on site visits. And sometimes, the interviews can go on for many rounds, with individuals or groups of interviewers.

For most of conversations, there was a recorded video interview, before an in-person one. During the in-person interview, there was a 45-minute business analysis (there is a business scenario and people have to answers on it), before two separate 30-minute interviews with the partners.

9. The Day Before the Interview

Take enough sleep, prepare your clothes in advance and do not read any professional articles or books. You are not going to pass exam, you are going to start and succeed in conversation where your goal is to become a part of the team.

10. Be Hydrated and Fed

Sounds normal? Some people think eating nothing before the interview is ok. We recommend eating something you understand won’t upset your stomach or cause other issues.

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For instance, a sandwich and a glass of apple juice. It is not the best idea to eat much carbs before the interview because they will make you want to sleep. As you can understand from the tips above acing your next job interview is quite possible; bosses and entrepreneurs are not scary if you understand what to answer.

Being part of the team of some company does not mean you have to be a professional. We do not mean that professionalism is nothing, but being open-minded, self-confident also matters.

Read these tips again just before the interview if you dare to boost your confidence. Do not be afraid of unexpected questions, boss glances or your just-from-university status and any other situational questions. You can do it!

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