
Add this PHP code to your theme’s functions.php file or in the Code Snippets plugin. What it does? It displays a message to users about cookie usage and links to your privacy policy. Upon clicking the “Accept” button, it sets a cookie to record the user’s consent and hides the notice. Here is the demo:…

Product Name: Product Image URL: Product URL: Author Name: Review Body: Rating Value: Best Rating: About this Product Review Schema Generator This Online Product Review Schema Generator can benefit end users, bloggers and marketers who want to create and add structured data to their product review pages. Key Benefits Here are some of the key…

Get a one to two-click screenshot of any webpage in .png. Download and use it on blogs and websites. Webpage URL Width (in Pixels) Height (in Pixels) Important: Sometimes, it may fail to render a screenshot. Return back and retry if the screenshot is not generated. Add this to your site Here is the source…

Inkscape Symbols Library is a collection of various kinds of icons in vector format. You can import the icons into Inkscape’s default symbol library panel by downloading & installing the tools. Open Source User friendly For Windows Downloads → Inkscape-Symbols-Libraries-Installer-1.0.exe Source code(zip) Source code(tar.gz) Installation Grab the icon libraries you need by cloning the…