How to Build a Digital Marketing Strategy For Your Business?

When you have a brand you want to set sail into the “top” one percent of companies within your niche, you’ve got to ensure you have enough firepower to back your progress.

This is best done by establishing dominance and relevance in your niche, which you can do carefully and properly through the right digital marketing strategy for your business.

Unfortunately, while this is the goal we’re all aiming for, it’s easier to declare than fulfilled – because many marketers tend to think “strategy” in digital marketing is just about getting the most returns.

In this article, I will explain how this isn’t exactly the case and how you can build a digital marketing strategy that works.

Understand the Market

Understand the market to Build a Digital Marketing Strategy For Your Business

The first thing that you will be needed to work on has to be understanding the market. Every business has a different market, userbase and above all, different selling points.

But there are still some things that are common amongst businesses.

First of which is indeed having a great website.

Be sure to make your website the best in the market. (I can help.)

You need to ensure that your website loads within seconds, has a user-friendly UI and UX, and is designed with SEO in mind.

Let’s get a few facts out first before we get to just how we can build an effective digital marketing strategy for your business.

Also, you will have to understand the market by studying social media and how that can help you in business growth.

Social media has become the most popular content marketing tool for 90% of businesses, and this coverage will boost even more.

Instagram, Twitter and Facebook have been the marketing powerhouses in recent times.

Hire someone with expertise in social media marketing and understand what works best for your digital marketing strategy. Click here to learn more.


Research on recent trends and statistics, both in your industry and in sectors related to it. This actually should come in the understand the market section but for the convenience of reading, I have placed it under a different heading.

When you start building out a digital marketing campaign, make sure you’re aware of just what’s happening in both your industry and related sectors.

Learn current trends in products, technologies, and consumer interests.

Try as much as possible to stay updated with the recent highlights of your industries, so you know just what keywords, concepts, phenomena, and circumstances you can bank on to generate interest from your readers and audiences.

Decide on Goals

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Don’t start without goals. Aimless projects simply don’t work.

Goals can be divided into:

  1. Long Term Goals
  2. Short Term Goals
  3. Ultimate Goals

Long-term goals are generally planned for a year or two years at once. These work towards your ultimate goal. Long-term goals can be further divided into month or quarter-wise short term goals.

All these short and long term goals must lead to what your business’ ultimate goal is.

However, be wise enough to plan on goals that are achievable. Unreal goals cannot be achieved but if you believe you can get to something that is almost impossible, take that as an ultimate goal and at the end we will see how far did you go.

As it is said, aim for the stars. Maybe, you’ll land on the moon.

Brand. Brand. Brand.

Always remember to be consistent with your branding.

Aside from remembering the elements of your branding, such as your color scheme and iconography, don’t forget about your voice and your branding’s vision.

These elements mesh together to form a “personality” your brand shows to your audience, so ensure it’s consistent throughout your campaign.

Decide what your business is. Is it authoritative, informative, funny, or friendly?

You’re not limited to these tones, but remember that the one you choose should be in line with your company’s principles, desires, and objectives.

Be Meaningful

When you make a digital marketing campaign, your goal comes first before everything else.

That part we understand. But you can go all gaga about your goals. Digital marketing isn’t always about by all means. You need to be meaningful.

Remember why did you start and just what is the point of your strategy?

What value or meaning do you want your brand to be remembered for at the end of this campaign?

Do you want to sell a service or a product?

Do you want to make sure people remember you for a funny story or a trend?

Do you want to make sure people are knowledgeable about a certain trend?

Make sure this is clear before you choose the strategy you want to pursue.

Choose the Right Digital Marketing Channel

Choose the right digital marketing channel that can send the kind of message you want your brand to tell.

Digital marketing campaigns often work not just because people hit the right trends at the right time but because they chose the right campaign to send the message with.

There are a ton of digital marketing channels available to build upon your digital marketing needs, including search marketing, content marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO).

Choose one that represents your message best, or choose multiple campaigns to hit the kinds of needs you want.

Focus on a content marketing campaign to always have the means to send out content strategically, and then go for SEO to ensure you get your website and other releases optimized for your campaign’s needs.

Monitor the Progress

Make sure you create a system that assesses and monitors your progress.

One of the biggest mistakes digital marketers make is that they stop monitoring their progress in the slightest signs of improvement or success.

Don’t make that mistake – always ensure systems are in place. This allows you to regularly check the performance of your campaigns, especially on successes.

This can be in the form of a program that gives reports, weekly meetings, or even status checks integrated into the pipeline.

This also always makes sure you’re in a position to improve or adjust the parameters of your campaigns should you need to make certain adjustments.


With the points above, it’s important to consider how you can actually leverage on various aspects of your industry to create a digital marketing campaign that not only emphasizes on your brand but on how you can contribute to the industry.

Invest in what customers need and want to see from brands today. Use the top trends in your niche to establish your relevance as a brand.

Establish these very early on. And when you start aligning these to your primary business goals, you will be able to create much more powerful digital marketing strategies regardless of the channels and methods you choose.