8 Best Online Communities a Math Major Should Join

Online communities are groups of web-savvy individuals who share communal interests. A community can be developed with just a single topic or by a bunch of philosophies. A better community binds its members through substantial debates.

Mathematics is a very popular communal interest and there are hundreds of online communities formed in both Q&A and debate styles. Some mathematical communities are so immense that they serve two or three discussions every minute. If you are a math student, reader or research scholar then you must join in such places. Beyond sharpening math skills, these communities also help users to connect with other similar minded people. The following communities are the largest on the internet and are always worth joining:


Mathematics Stack Exchange


Stack Exchange is the world’s largest Q&A network and the Mathematics community of this network is considered to be one of the most reliable resources for mathematics-related information.

Mathematics Stack Exchange is a website dedicated to all types of mathematical discussions. You can ask questions, provide answers and communicate with other users publicly.

  • Members: 800k+
  • Started in: 2010
  • Ideal for: Any math major

Mathematics Google+ Community

Google+ is dead and so is Mathematics Google+ community. It was a great place for mathematics students and teachers to hangout. It had gained an amazing crowd of over 200 thousand people. It supported serious discussions, informative readings, blog articles, and multimedia images about math & related sciences.


reddit math

r/math is possibly the wisest sub-reddit of reddit.com. Here you can ask questions and discuss on mathematical topics and internet links.

  • Members: 764k+
  • Started in: 2008
  • Ideal for: Any math major


Math Community Mathoverflow

‘The’ MathOverflow is similar to Math.StackExchange in theory, but it allows discussions about serious research topics only.

Math Help Forum

A forum dedicated to elementary & recreational mathematics topics.

  • Members: 70k
  • Since: 2005
  • Ideal for: High Schoolers, Laymen, Teens.

Number Theory LinkedIn Group



Open discussions about theories and new developments in number theory.

Members: 15K

Since: June 2012

Ideal for: Number Theory majors

Mathematicians LinkedIn Group


The basic idea of this community is to bring all the logical brains together and ignite the thought process of learning and teaching Mathematics with all possible practicalities.

Members: 20k

Since: September 2008

Ideal for: All math majors.

Also see: Math, Math Education, Math Culture

Planet Math


PlanetMath aims to help make mathematical knowledge more accessible. The content is created collaboratively: almost the same way Wikipedia works.

Members: 8k

Since: 2013 (current form)