6 Ways to De-stress for Final Days of Exams
Finals are a stressful time of year. Long days in the library, late nights studying, and early mornings cramming for your exams can be challenging to handle. You thought you had enough time to study, but you might not have prepared as well as possible.
Here are six ways to de-stress during the final days of exams:
Make a plan

It is easy to procrastinate studying for finals until right before the exam, but that only increases your stress level. Instead, make a study plan for each class and start working on it as early as possible.
Take advantage of any extra credit opportunities, especially if they can bump up your grade in a class where you are struggling. It will take some time to make this plan. However, it will alleviate some of the stress of finals week once it’s done. Optionally, you can turn to a paper writing service for professional help.

It can be hard to even think about getting up from your desk or bed to do something active when under stress. However, stress causes the release of cortisol, a hormone that puts the body into fight or flight mode. Thus, it makes your body alert and active.
Exercise reverses this process by releasing endorphins that decrease stress levels in your body. Even taking a short walk can make a big difference in your stress levels.
Eat Healthy
It is easy to reach for candy or potato chips from your fridge after hitting a block in your study session. However, your body will thank you for eating something nutritious instead.
Almonds and other nuts are high in protein and can help keep you feeling full longer than a bag of chips will. Fruit is also an excellent snack, especially blueberries, which have been shown to improve memory.
Talk it Out with Friends
Sometimes finals-related stress can feel overwhelming, especially when a lot is going on in your personal life. Talking about what’s stressing you out can release some tension. This is especially when you are comfortable talking with your friends about your worries and concerns.
Set up a time for everyone to get together for a study session where you can also share what’s on your mind. You might discover that everyone is going through something similar by sharing what you feel. Others will share their own experiences.
Take a Break.
Everyone needs a break every once in a while. Get away from your books and go for a walk. Alternatively, go to the gym, or go to dinner with friends. Anything that will get you out of the library and give your brain time to relax.
No matter what you do, don’t study during your break. The point of the break is to give yourself a mental respite, not just move your study location.
Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness may seem kind of weird, but it is pretty important. It is described as being aware of what is happening around you in the present moment. Sometimes we spend a lot of time thinking about the past. Also, we worry about the future instead of focusing on what is going on.
Practicing mindfulness can help relieve stress while also being more mindful in general. Thus, it can help you feel less stressed in the long run. It’s a win-win.
Drink Lots of Water
Hydration is extremely important when you are under stress. It keeps your body and brain working optimally. Thus, you have the zeal to continue reaching your goals. Drink a glass or two every hour while studying. Make sure you bring water with you while taking your exams as well.
Seek Help from Professionals
Sometimes, the stress we feel during finals or other semester parts can be too much to handle. It is important to seek help from professionals when struggling with mental health. There are a lot of resources out there, like the Chegg Alternatives and MasterPapers.
The Counseling Center comes in highly recommended. This is where you can make an appointment to talk with someone. You can also go to University Health Services and talk to someone there. Let the best writing services handle your class assignments while seeking help.
Final Takeaway
With the start of finals season quickly approaching, here are six ways to de-stress for finals. Tune out stressors, take deep breaths, hang out with friends, etc. This year may be a crazy one for college students across America, so let’s make sure we all recover properly this time around.
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