Ramanujan (1887-1920) discovered some formulas on algebraic nested radicals. This article is based on one of those formulas. The main aim of this article is to discuss and derive them intuitively. Nested radicals have many applications in Number Theory as well as in Numerical Methods . The simple binomial theorem of degree 2 can be […]
Consider a sequence of functions as follows:- $ f_1 (x) = \sqrt {1+\sqrt {x} } $ $ f_2 (x) = \sqrt{1+ \sqrt {1+2 \sqrt {x} } } $ $ f_3 (x) = \sqrt {1+ \sqrt {1+2 \sqrt {1+3 \sqrt {x} } } } $ ……and so on to $ f_n (x) = \sqrt {1+\sqrt{1+2 \sqrt […]