Password Reset

If you’re looking for a fantastic password manager, Enpass can be one of the first choices. In an earlier article, I reviewed the top password managers and Enpass was on the list. It is my favorite password manager, and I take the liberty of using it alongside Chrome’s inbuilt password manager. “How’s it?” You’d ask.…

Do you use a password manager, or are you old-fashioned and use the pen-and-paper method to recall your passwords? Handling and recalling too many details from your notebook is not ideal when you have many credentials, card details, and other personal information to fill in every day. Why do I need a Password Manager? I…

Losing the password for your Windows account is not uncommon. It happens a lot and to a lot of users all over the globe. Now, Lenovo is an extremely popular laptop brand, and due to some excellent laptops releases lately, the number of Lenovo followers has increased exponentially. The reason, a lot of users are…