The number of people that doubt that the internet has risen more drastically in the 21st century than any other phenomenon is indeed very low. The reason for this widespread acknowledgment of the exponential growth of the internet’s influence is fairly simple. Out of around eight billion humans living on the pale blue and green…
In the modern digital age, computers and laptops have become an integral part of our lives. With the steadily increasing demand for these devices, more and more companies began manufacturing computer hardware and software. As a result, preparing the list of best computer brands can be pretty daunting. Computer brands that provide optimal reliability, durability,…
The mainframe made its name decades ago, and it must have been a big name, since it has managed to encroach on several industries as a backbone of their data processing centers and other computing requirements. In those many years that mainframes have served the majority of Fortune 500 companies, proponents of the newest and…
If you notice that your Macbook is starting to underperform and slow down, it is time to take some action. Instead of panicking and thinking about purchasing a new computer, you can do a lot of things to fix one that you already own. There are different reasons it becomes difficult to work with. This…
In a busy marketplace, two women sell marbles differently: one sells three marbles for a Rupee, and the other sells two marbles for a Rupee. When they combine their unsold marbles and try to sell them together, they expect to make the same amount of money. But to their surprise, they end up one Rupee…