What Different Reasons for a Hospital Negligence and Neglect Claim Are There?

Visiting a hospital is a routine experience for those who have suffered an injury or illness. When you do, you expect that the medical professionals provide high standard of care, and treat your situation with utmost concern. Let’s be honest: visiting a hospital is not one of the most exciting things to do, but when you need treatment for an ailment, you want to feel comfortable with the healthcare system and the individuals therein, and you deserve this.

Unfortunately, hospital errors occur occasionally. The impact of a hospital negligence can be enormous, often leaving the victim with serious life-changing injuries and losses that a simple apology cannot fix. If you believe you have suffered an injury due to hospital negligence, you may be entitled to claim compensation.

The impact of the neglect you’ve suffered may have lengthened your recovery time, worsened your ailment or hurt you physically or psychologically. As a result, you could be faced with lots of medical bills and other costs that come could come with adjustments to your new life afterwards. If the neglect has forced you out of work, you could also lose income. This is why you deserve hospital negligence claim compensation.

Some of the reasons for a hospital negligence claim include:

Amputee Claims

It is the responsibility of medical professionals in the hospital to provide appropriate treatment within a reasonable timeframe. Failing to treat illnesses like diabetes appropriately or failing to identify potential complications following a knee replacement operation can mean an amputation may be required to save the patient’s life. If your limb has been amputated as a result of the neglect of medical professionals in a hospital, you may be entitled to claim compensation.

Surgical Claims

Surgery is one of the most important procedures offered by any hospital. In 2013/2014, 4.7 million surgical procedures were conducted in England, compared to 3.7 million of such procedures ten years earlier. However, some of these surgical admissions haven’t gone according to plan. If you have suffered an injury as a result of medical negligence during a surgical procedure, you could be entitled to claim compensation.

Paediatric Claims

It is the job of a paediatrician to manage infants and children. Unfortunately, such patients are often unable to express how they feel or if they have an injury, so it is important that they are properly taken care of. Many factors come into play when it comes to paediatric claims, and you may be entitled to claim compensation if your child has suffered an injury due to medical negligence by a paediatrician.

Cancer Claims

Every day, about 980 new cancer cases are diagnosed in the UK. While most of these patients receive prompt diagnosis and treatment of their ailment, things still go wrong sometimes. On occasion, medical professionals may delay in diagnosing cancer, leading to a more advanced stage of cancer which would require greater level of treatment than would have been the case if there was no delay.

Anaesthetic Claims

If surgery is part of your treatment procedure at a hospital, you’d likely require some form of anaesthetic before the surgical process. An error by the anaesthetist could lead to catastrophic consequences such as brain injury, nerve damage or even death.

Meningitis Claims

Meningitis is the inflammation of the membranes protecting the brain and spinal cord. Each year, about 3,200 people are diagnosed with meningitis in the UK. Delayed treatment of this condition can lead to septicaemia, and may even have more devastating consequences like limb loss, nerve or brain damage or even death.

Birth Injury Claims

Childbirth is supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life. Unfortunately, many mothers have suffered lifelong consequences as a result of errors made during the pregnancy or just prior to or after a child’s birth. If you are a victim of neglect at any time during your pregnancy, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation.

Making a hospital negligence claim is not as complex as it sounds. You can begin the claim process as quickly as possible so long as you work with the right medical negligence solicitor and you’re equipped with the right information. If successful, the compensation can help you recover lost income, cover up for potential earnings, and provide relief for your pain and suffering. While a compensation may not eliminate the pain you feel, it is the least you deserve so you can lead a good and happy life.

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