603 Best Guest Posting Sites to Submit Guest Posts

Looking for guest posting sites to publish your articles? Here are 603 for you. You can find a guest posting website by just searching "Write for Us" or "guest post" or "guest posting site 2024" or "guest posting website" on Google. But despite all that, we miss the gem of blogs, no matter how hard we try.

In this article, I have taken the burden out of your hand and listed the top websites that accept guest posts. I have been collecting this for a while.

These websites are sorted by their name, DR and traffic ranking. Traffic numbers are taken from Ahrefs and these show their estimated organic traffic capacity. These are subject to change, but higher scores show higher authority.

If you are here, you must already know what I mean when I use the term high authority sites. If you are new to this and are just trying a career in SEO and bloggers outreach - don't worry, I will discuss "authority" and stuffs just after the list of the sites.

Guest posting and link insertions are two of the best SEO techniques used to improve a site's authority and SERP.

I have already written some guides on how Guest Posting works and how you can perfectly pitch guest posts to site owners.

Be sure to read those if you are new to the field. Also, make sure that whenever you pitch for a new guest post, you don't use an email address that looks like a spammer. Be genuine, and if you are attempting to send emails to bulk recipients, do an email warmup to stay away from the junk folder.

How to find websites that accept guest posts?

Here are some search terms that you can use to find websites and blogs that accept guest posts.

  • "write for us" + "keyword"
  • "this is a guest post" + "keyword"
  • "guest post" + "keyword"
  • "submit guest post" + "keyword"
  • "guest posting guidelines" + "keyword"
  • "become a contributor" + "keyword"
  • "accept guest post" + "keyword"
  • "guest post submission guidelines" + "keyword"
  • "startup funding" + "keyword"
  • "guest article" + "keyword"
  • "this is a guest post by" + "keyword"
  • "contributing writer" + "keyword"
  • "want to write for" + "keyword"
  • "submit blog post" + "keyword"
  • "contribute to our site" + "keyword"
  • "submit content" + "keyword"
  • "submit your content" + "keyword"
  • "guest posts wanted" + "keyword"
  • "guest blogger" + "keyword"
  • "become a guest blogger" + "keyword"
  • "submit news" + "keyword"
  • "submit post" + "keyword"
  • "keyword" + "guest posting"

Here "keyword" is actually the niche you'd like to target. This one is important to add if you want to find a site that is suitable for your needs. Don't forget to add " " for improved results. For example, if you are looking for tech guest posting sites, you can search for "Write for us tech" on Google.

write for us science screenshot from Google

Additionally, you can sort search results by time to get the most updated and relevant results.

finding guest posting sites using Google
finding guest posting sites using Google

Top Guest Posting Sites List

guest post sites list

Here are the top websites and blogs that accept guest posts.

Technology and Software

  • TechCrunch - A leading technology media outlet dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news. Write for Us, DR: 92, Traffic: 4,450,972.
  • Mashable - A global, multi-platform media and entertainment company focused on technology, digital culture, and entertainment content. Write for Us, DR: 91, Traffic: 4,603,384.
  • VentureBeat - Covers disruptive technology and explains how it's changing the lives of people and the economy. Write for Us, DR: 91, Traffic: 941,321.

Digital Marketing and SEO

  • Search Engine Land - A leading daily publication that covers all aspects of the search marketing industry. Write for Us, DR: 91, Traffic: 773,965.
  • Content Marketing Institute - Offers advice on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience. Write for Us, DR: 88, Traffic: 91,860.
  • Social Media Examiner - Helps millions of businesses discover how to best use social media, blogs, and podcasts to connect with customers. Write for Us, DR: 87, Traffic: 591,111.

Health and Wellness

  • MindBodyGreen - Focuses on providing wellness advice, covering everything from health to personal growth. Write for Us, DR: 86, Traffic: 8,911,449.
  • Healthline - Offers well-researched health information and news to help readers make informed health decisions. Write for Us

Business and Finance

  • Forbes - An American business magazine featuring articles on finance, industry, investing, and marketing topics. Write for Us, DR: 94, Traffic: 44,308,487.
  • Entrepreneur - Provides advice, insight, profiles, and guides for established and aspiring entrepreneurs worldwide. Write for Us, DR: 91, Traffic: 1,935,209.

Education and Learning

  • Edutopia - Offers actionable strategies and advice for improving K-12 education. Write for Us, DR: 84, Traffic: 757,756.
  • Eduonix - Delivers skill-based education in technology and creative fields. Write for Us, DR: 71, Traffic: 39,813.

Design and Creativity

  • Creative Bloq - Delivers a daily mix of advice and inspiration for digital and traditional artists. Write for Us, DR: 87, Traffic: 4,043,124.
  • DesignShack - Offers inspiring examples of design, alongside resources and tutorials for people who want to build their design skills. Write for Us, DR: 79, Traffic: 340,789.

Complete List

Please use the search in your browser (CTRL + F or CMD + F) to filter and search the websites. You can use Find in Page in the browser menus on mobile devices to find a website. You can also use the table headers to sort websites by DR or traffic.

WebsiteDRTrafficVisit Website
gauravtiwari.org6444531Visit Site
85ideas.com722376Visit Site
agorapulse.com80121166Visit Site
blog.hubspot.com938229256Visit Site
business.com86160410Visit Site
comingsoonwp.com7389Visit Site
enstinemuki.com59267Visit Site
jem-products.com72124Visit Site
safeboxguide.com691943Visit Site
savethevideo.net6673971Visit Site
techbillow.com67594Visit Site
techyeyes.com675756Visit Site
thebetterwebmovement.com521146Visit Site
underconstructionpage.com821454Visit Site
unitconversion.io6757233Visit Site
woahtech.com522040Visit Site
wp301redirects.com7241Visit Site
wpnewsify.com65324Visit Site
wppluginsify.com59191Visit Site
gmapswidget.com711054Visit Site
pcstacks.com623585Visit Site
themecircle.net78133Visit Site
webfactoryltd.com69132Visit Site
yehiweb.com682970Visit Site
shopify.com957320534Visit Site
blog.aftercollege.com67616Visit Site
5minutesformom.com7269845Visit Site
99signals.com6225616Visit Site
aao.org852865174Visit Site
aapd.org8189255Visit Site
abaforlawstudents.com598973Visit Site
abovethelaw.com79221217Visit Site
academic.oup.com924500617Visit Site
active.com881672412Visit Site
activistpost.com704406Visit Site
ada.org90442148Visit Site
addicted2success.com7359083Visit Site
additudemag.com791057586Visit Site
adea.org7473806Visit Site
adoptivefamilies.com682567Visit Site
adzooma.com715703Visit Site
africageographic.com7029665Visit Site
ahri.com.au6924627Visit Site
aiche.org7778394Visit Site
akismet.com909672Visit Site
alistapart.com8716917Visit Site
allbusiness.com8168663Visit Site
alleywatch.com753750Visit Site
alltechbuzz.net64138523Visit Site
americanbar.org89627710Visit Site
analyticsindiamag.com78296879Visit Site
analyticsinsight.net78276649Visit Site
animaldiversity.org76831393Visit Site
answerout.com62350805Visit Site
aplus.com723496Visit Site
apracticalwedding.com7268433Visit Site
architecturesideas.com4377884Visit Site
articles.bplans.com80262791Visit Site
ascd.org8181623Visit Site
asiatimes.com7775861Visit Site
attorneyatwork.com7011547Visit Site
authorityhacker.com7643024Visit Site
b2bmarketing.net7729647Visit Site
babycenter.com8410236335Visit Site
backpacker.com76194769Visit Site
bdcnetwork.com7642405Visit Site
benchmarkemail.com84103335Visit Site
benthamscience.com7424816Visit Site
bigdata-madesimple.com7017997Visit Site
biggerpockets.com80230242Visit Site
binpress.com684008Visit Site
bizsugar.com71880Visit Site
bkconnection.com7311786Visit Site
blog.contactpigeon.com672513Visit Site
blog.dlvrit.com736039Visit Site
blog.eccouncil.org80330Visit Site
blog.eduonix.com7122539Visit Site
blog.gimm.io6222975Visit Site
blog.imocha.io512651Visit Site
blog.linkody.com722463Visit Site
mycorporation.com741467Visit Site
blog.resellerclub.com787303Visit Site
blog.sonicbids.com7823586Visit Site
blog.spamfighter.com7169Visit Site
blogcritics.org742837Visit Site
blogherald.com701289Visit Site
blogs.cfainstitute.org8212036Visit Site
blogsolute.com39817Visit Site
bmj.com913782779Visit Site
boardingarea.com74122815Visit Site
bollywoodshaadis.com57803490Visit Site
bootsnall.com7019324Visit Site
bplans.com80473780Visit Site
brainblogger.com635066Visit Site
brand24.com7627903Visit Site
brazen.com665952Visit Site
buffer.com901271587Visit Site
business2community.com89265656Visit Site
businessinsider.com9249328344Visit Site
businessinsider.in844407195Visit Site
cafemom.com781071319Visit Site
callhippo.com7324582Visit Site
carolinaunion.unc.edu903227Visit Site
catster.com74385990Visit Site
catswhocode.com708042Visit Site
ccim.com7639469Visit Site
chanty.com7538971Visit Site
chatterbuzzmedia.com564212Visit Site
chetu.com6753117Visit Site
circleofmoms.com6013Visit Site
clickz.com8445787Visit Site
cloudways.com89291383Visit Site
codersera.com3732437Visit Site
collectiveray.com77160566Visit Site
collegefashion.net63309403Visit Site
colocationamerica.com6823967Visit Site
commonapp.org78759659Visit Site
completeconnection.ca483937Visit Site
compose.ly6419347Visit Site
contactmusic.com74120935Visit Site
contactpigeon.com673556Visit Site
contentmarketinginstitute.com8891860Visit Site
convert.com7445154Visit Site
coschedule.com86194235Visit Site
craftbits.com5615035Visit Site
craftgossip.com6645520Visit Site
crazyleafdesign.com652350Visit Site
cre.org674301Visit Site
creately.com761056380Visit Site
creativebloq.com874043124Visit Site
creativenerds.co.uk645410Visit Site
creativepro.com7439780Visit Site
crictracker.com651707806Visit Site
crunchbase.com9013753886Visit Site
csmonitor.com86280090Visit Site
curbly.com7251550Visit Site
cxl.com8570719Visit Site
cyberchimps.com9130327Visit Site
dailyblogtips.com75335Visit Site
dealermarketing.com63136Visit Site
dental-tribune.com7420964Visit Site
dentaleconomics.com7424771Visit Site
dentistryiq.com7588687Visit Site
desertusa.com73236751Visit Site
designaglow.com592571Visit Site
designlike.com576741Visit Site
designshack.net79340789Visit Site
desktime.com7247170Visit Site
developintelligence.com7010410Visit Site
digital-photography-school.com81501108Visit Site
digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu769201Visit Site
digitalengineland.com45118559Visit Site
digitally.cognizant.com80344Visit Site
disneyfoodblog.com65525837Visit Site
dlvrit.com7313909Visit Site
dogsnaturallymagazine.com76362408Visit Site
dogster.com76548207Visit Site
dogtipper.com5786505Visit Site
dotnetcurry.com5719546Visit Site
draxe.com84569839Visit Site
dumblittleman.com73118065Visit Site
dzone.com85252875Visit Site
eartheasy.com76247102Visit Site
ebn.bmj.com9197723Visit Site
edreams.com68862606Visit Site
edugorilla.com45304695Visit Site
eduonix.com7139813Visit Site
edureka.co741392120Visit Site
resources.edureka.co7415Visit Site
edutopia.org84757756Visit Site
edweek.org86995478Visit Site
eetimes.com8130002Visit Site
elearnmag.acm.org912176Visit Site
elephantjournal.com8052942Visit Site
elfaonline.org673619Visit Site
elsevier.com924171924Visit Site
emeraldgrouppublishing.com7783705Visit Site
ems.com72129633Visit Site
entirelypets.com7274680Visit Site
entrepreneur.com911935209Visit Site
entrepreneurshipsecret.com47621Visit Site
escapeartist.com6424395Visit Site
essence.com831283222Visit Site
everydaypower.com744198326Visit Site
exabytes.my8440213Visit Site
ezrankings.org686973Visit Site
fa.oregonstate.edu887420Visit Site
fashionista.com81472504Visit Site
fashionsy.com322362Visit Site
fastcompany.com911211031Visit Site
fatbit.com674850Visit Site
financesonline.com85282041Visit Site
financialaid.gwu.edu873097Visit Site
financialreview.poole.ncsu.edu89Visit Site
financialsense.com678643Visit Site
finehomebuilding.com74332879Visit Site
fmx.cpa.texas.gov/fmx9130221Visit Site
foodcoop.com568626Visit Site
fooddive.com7748049Visit Site
foodmanufacturing.com6541918Visit Site
forbes.com9444308487Visit Site
forensicmag.com682721Visit Site
foundr.com7748798Visit Site
foxnomad.com595930Visit Site
freshdesk.com91644409Visit Site
freshome.com78135Visit Site
geekestateblog.com57653Visit Site
georgiaencyclopedia.org73114813Visit Site
getdrip.com80882Visit Site
getresponse.com90166696Visit Site
getrichslowly.org7314147Visit Site
gettingsmart.com7633112Visit Site
ggsc.berkeley.edu913690Visit Site
gijn.org7116710Visit Site
globalgrasshopper.com60165483Visit Site
gmapswidget.com721543Visit Site
goabroad.com75325286Visit Site
godaddy.com9410121802Visit Site
goodfirms.co83322806Visit Site
gopetfriendly.com6772391Visit Site
gradle.org83122066Visit Site
grafomap.com495407Visit Site
greatist.com834439678Visit Site
hbr.org923642396Visit Site
healthresource4u.com43218Visit Site
heartifb.com6492097Visit Site
hellboundbloggers.com591769Visit Site
hellogiggles.com801045279Visit Site
hindawi.com891697731Visit Site
hindi.bollywoodshaadis.com5797713Visit Site
hindimehelp.com4217376Visit Site
hingemarketing.com7353249Visit Site
hitconsultant.net7613685Visit Site
hongkiat.com82616289Visit Site
hostelworld.com7326213Visit Site
houseaffection.com631214Visit Site
houstoniamag.com75233848Visit Site
hunter.io80281526Visit Site
ideafit.com7711202Visit Site
idealistcareers.org59Visit Site
inc.com924094469Visit Site
inc42.com79153644Visit Site
incomediary.com7134310Visit Site
indesignsecrets.com7054Visit Site
indiatimes.com91174756853Visit Site
indiewire.com854117699Visit Site
infed.org7326777Visit Site
informit.com81145053Visit Site
inman.com8392079Visit Site
inspirationfeed.com725959724Visit Site
instantshift.com733054Visit Site
insteading.com65143901Visit Site
internationalliving.com74207561Visit Site
interweave.com7393758Visit Site
investing.com8671181305Visit Site
investopedia.com9280271009Visit Site
itechcode.com52264Visit Site
iwillteachyoutoberich.com7773879Visit Site
jci.org8355236Visit Site
jeffbullas.com8258250Visit Site
jems.com7352606Visit Site
jennsblahblahblog.com478323Visit Site
jobberman.com6256344Visit Site
johnchow.com732561Visit Site
journal.crossfit.com878261Visit Site
journal.opted.org622479Visit Site
jungleworks.com7133475Visit Site
justjared.com782177589Visit Site
kevinmd.com7639218Visit Site
keywordseverywhere.com7860267Visit Site
killerstartups.com748437Visit Site
kitchenstewardship.com6028791Visit Site
knowledgehut.com71190513Visit Site
labnol.org801793568Visit Site
lastwordonsports.com63179128Visit Site
lawfuel.com552250Visit Site
leavingworkbehind.com66952Visit Site
lifehack.org873597488Visit Site
lifehacker.com901398918Visit Site
lightstalking.com7052783Visit Site
livingrichwithcoupons.com66106101Visit Site
livingwellmom.com6586733Visit Site
lodestar.asu.edu892236Visit Site
loginradius.com7964007Visit Site
lovemydress.net7426830Visit Site
luminous-landscape.com7414081Visit Site
mailerlite.com90158900Visit Site
mailjet.com82140902Visit Site
mainstreethost.com7014059Visit Site
makealivingwriting.com7036778Visit Site
maketecheasier.com771441972Visit Site
makewebbetter.com725547Visit Site
makingdifferent.com5618616Visit Site
mamamia.com.au771226987Visit Site
mangools.com7622869Visit Site
manning.com82119180Visit Site
manta.com873505947Visit Site
marieclaire.com848830126Visit Site
marketingprofs.com8422228Visit Site
marketingtechnews.net765164Visit Site
marriage.com731223948Visit Site
mashable.com914603384Visit Site
matadornetwork.com79726932Visit Site
matthewwoodward.co.uk7717802Visit Site
mdpi.com911522797Visit Site
mediapost.com8848911Visit Site
medicine.wright.edu7812631Visit Site
mention.com8386164Visit Site
menuism.com64966124Visit Site
menwithpens.ca63471Visit Site
metroparent.com6863786Visit Site
mindbodygreen.com868911449Visit Site
mindmajix.com71142669Visit Site
mobisoftinfotech.com6116048Visit Site
modernmom.com7024217Visit Site
modestmoney.com666353Visit Site
moneycrashers.com82738195Visit Site
moneyminiblog.com553285Visit Site
moneysavingmom.com7169649Visit Site
mookychick.co.uk4821160Visit Site
motherearthliving.com7132428Visit Site
mpamag.com7531000Visit Site
mybigguide.com3472386Visit Site
mycorporation.com7416817Visit Site
myventurepad.com551317Visit Site
nacada.ksu.edu7911690Visit Site
naiop.org7313113Visit Site
naturallysavvy.com6523637Visit Site
naturalnews.com83209273Visit Site
neptune.ai5953879Visit Site
netguru.com7350148Visit Site
nethunt.com7022236Visit Site
newmexico.org75224951Visit Site
newstatesman.com83271383Visit Site
nmdfa.state.nm.us853879Visit Site
nolo.com862548119Visit Site
nomadsworld.com5372546Visit Site
northernvirginiamag.com7396495Visit Site
novica.com69216388Visit Site
offbeatbride.com7370646Visit Site
offthepost.info44858Visit Site
oilprice.com791612093Visit Site
omniconvert.com7647415Visit Site
oncrawl.com739194Visit Site
onegreenplanet.org80404580Visit Site
onlineincometeacher.com47500Visit Site
onlinelibrary.wiley.com924536918Visit Site
opencolleges.edu.au75183565Visit Site
opendemocracy.net81271646Visit Site
orfonline.org74795779Visit Site
ou.edu83690796Visit Site
ourstate.com7383241Visit Site
outbrain.com86111917Visit Site
pagewiz.com71629Visit Site
patheos.com81288295Visit Site
pepipost.com7116127Visit Site
petful.com71251761Visit Site
pickthebrain.com7311728Visit Site
planning.org7882660Visit Site
playframework.com7621890Visit Site
pmi.org86943371Visit Site
polepositionmarketing.com73560Visit Site
policies.utexas.edu90355Visit Site
politico.com907302903Visit Site
pragprog.com809511Visit Site
prcouture.com523236Visit Site
predictiveanalyticstoday.com6974620Visit Site
progressinorthodontics.springeropen.com852783Visit Site
promo.com77441967Visit Site
propellerads.com8045661Visit Site
proprofs.com811927773Visit Site
psychologytoday.com928680890Visit Site
pubs.acs.org911802525Visit Site
pubsonline.informs.org8330488Visit Site
quertime.com461Visit Site
quora.com91147638744Visit Site
rabbit.org73128377Visit Site
rankwatch.com7161358Visit Site
rdmag.com752Visit Site
readwrite.com8328645Visit Site
realtytimes.com7724613Visit Site
reportgarden.com655687Visit Site
reputationx.com6919431Visit Site
resellerclub.com7844651Visit Site
resources.sansan.com711203Visit Site
resultfirst.com463109Visit Site
retirementinvestments.com702834Visit Site
rohitink.com78156Visit Site
roohome.com445873Visit Site
rossieronline.usc.edu908145Visit Site
rswebsols.com7822401Visit Site
salon.com88868127Visit Site
sansan.com7147505Visit Site
scarymommy.com795069704Visit Site
scotsmanguide.com7121170Visit Site
searchengineland.com91773965Visit Site
searchenginepeople.com7815430Visit Site
searchenginewatch.com8861746Visit Site
selfgrowth.com7813549Visit Site
seo-hacker.com7512498Visit Site
seoblog.com728324Visit Site
seomator.com674780Visit Site
seroundtable.com8463077Visit Site
serpstat.com7866190Visit Site
sheswanderful.com571267Visit Site
shoutmeloud.com7969185Visit Site
shutterstock.com9184975292Visit Site
simpleasthatblog.com7139602Visit Site
simplek12.com527046Visit Site
simpleprogrammer.com7114834Visit Site
sitepoint.com87395286Visit Site
sitepronews.com731472Visit Site
skyhorsepublishing.com7213590Visit Site
skyje.com5389Visit Site
slashdot.org88177254Visit Site
smallbizclub.com653120Visit Site
smallbusinessbc.ca7351628Visit Site
smashingmagazine.com90340202Visit Site
sociableblog.com591783Visit Site
socialmediaexaminer.com87591111Visit Site
socialmediaexplorer.com7511871Visit Site
socialmediarevolver.com57598Visit Site
socialmediastrategiessummit.com6614503Visit Site
socialmediatoday.com89280781Visit Site
socialmediaweek.org7917436Visit Site
socialnomics.net735598Visit Site
softwareworld.co7435385Visit Site
sogosurvey.com7533478Visit Site
spamfighter.com718317Visit Site
spark.siue.edu7567Visit Site
speckyboy.com80229459Visit Site
stackify.com75354367Visit Site
startup.info7243338Visit Site
startupbros.com6522477Visit Site
startupnation.com7512743Visit Site
steves-digicams.com7113555Visit Site
succeedasyourownboss.com662102Visit Site
success.com81540783Visit Site
successful-blog.com59695Visit Site
sundaysuppermovement.com61183271Visit Site
surveysparrow.com7636294Visit Site
sustainablefoodtrust.org696952Visit Site
swarajyamag.com71109885Visit Site
t-nation.com74390708Visit Site
taggbox.com7515271Visit Site
tappi.org7215396Visit Site
tasteofhome.com8422569574Visit Site
tea.texas.gov91624937Visit Site
teach.com71182709Visit Site
techcrunch.com924450972Visit Site
techibhai.com371991Visit Site
techlila.com4818184Visit Site
techmaish.com4513186Visit Site
technologynetworks.com76635867Visit Site
techwalls.com5648432Visit Site
techwyse.com727708Visit Site
the-ken.com6630154Visit Site
the-next-tech.com5614688Visit Site
thebark.com7462014Visit Site
thebettermom.com532692Visit Site
theconversation.com916366832Visit Site
thediplomat.com81642846Visit Site
thefoodxp.com51385733Visit Site
thefourohfive.com68437Visit Site
theglitterguide.com7121694Visit Site
theguardian.com9379335167Visit Site
thehumanist.com628683Visit Site
thekitchn.com8610380590Visit Site
theladders.com81540507Visit Site
themastercleanse.org47860Visit Site
themilitarywallet.com61207616Visit Site
themogulmom.com43483Visit Site
theoldschoolhouse.com612679Visit Site
thepennyhoarder.com78476088Visit Site
thepienews.com7225102Visit Site
theplanetd.com73273316Visit Site
thesitsgirls.com669361Visit Site
thetravelmanuel.com392931Visit Site
thisiscolossal.com79112044Visit Site
thoughtco.com9011397984Visit Site
tiie.w3.uvm.edu/blog841586Visit Site
tim.blog84125830Visit Site
timesofindia.indiatimes.com9183390656Visit Site
toolsqa.com51157311Visit Site
topdesignmag.com5984Visit Site
topmostblog.com342369Visit Site
topuniversities.com833459007Visit Site
toriavey.com72502052Visit Site
trailrunnermag.com7034924Visit Site
transitionsabroad.com6827703Visit Site
tsys.com7653593Visit Site
tutorialsteacher.com57611992Visit Site
tweakyourbiz.com7521985Visit Site
ucl.ac.uk902170068Visit Site
ui-patterns.com7015859Visit Site
usms.org7371552Visit Site
vandelaydesign.com75105940Visit Site
venturebeat.com91941321Visit Site
web.ccsenet.org77102Visit Site
webalive.com.au7313736Visit Site
webdesign.org753683Visit Site
webdesignerdepot.com8370589Visit Site
webdesignledger.com7810806Visit Site
webdew.com7144913Visit Site
webengage.com7114141Visit Site
webflow.com92837981Visit Site
weblogbetter.com33Visit Site
webnus.net8111893Visit Site
webscoot.io419222Visit Site
websigmas.com4.72Visit Site
websitesetup.org83228170Visit Site
weddingbee.com74119308Visit Site
well-beingsecrets.com63822Visit Site
wisebread.com7657146Visit Site
womenonbusiness.com582288Visit Site
workingmother.com7893460Visit Site
workinsports.com5419896Visit Site
wparena.com734456Visit Site
wpsecurityninja.com64118Visit Site
write-with-us.pragprog.com80Visit Site
writersrelief.com5229610Visit Site
wsj.com9214470806Visit Site
wvculture.org7119485Visit Site
igi-global.com81852343Visit Site
optimizely.com8816432Visit Site
yfsmagazine.com701419Visit Site
yourtango.com794576410Visit Site

Free Guest Posting Sites List

Based on your feedback, I have started collecting a list of websites that allow free guest posts. While the attempt has just started, bookmark this page so that you can visit back later while I add more sites to the list.

You can also subscribe to my newsletter to stay updated with the latest happenings.

Here are the latest sites that offer free guest posts (subject to their writing guidelines). Please note that these sites can be of low quality.

Blog NameGuidelines
Smashing MagazineGuidelines
Content Marketing InstituteGuidelines
A List ApartGuidelines
Pick The BrainGuidelines
Scary MommyGuidelines
The Penny HoarderGuidelines
The Write LifeGuidelines

Please use the search in your browser (CTRL + F or CMD + F) to filter and search the websites. You can use Find in Page in the browser menus on mobile devices to find a website.

New Guest Posting Websites

These sites are relatively new and can accept generally every guest post contribution. So, if you are new, you can give these a try:

coconutlands.comCheck guidelines
aquafreshprime.comCheck guidelines
webhosttricks.comCheck guidelines
tendtoread.comCheck guidelines
g.webtrainingroom.comCheck guidelines
tipsnsolution.inCheck guidelines
mrlaboratory.infoCheck guidelines
techresider.comCheck guidelines
yfsmagazine.comCheck guidelines
allnetarticles.comCheck guidelines
shineblogger.comCheck guidelines

Looking for something even more premium?

I have compiled some of the sites from where you can create a profile, add your URL and get (generally) a dofollow backlink back to your site. Dofollow or nofollow, these links are worth gold and you shouldn't skip these.

Bookmark this page or join my newsletter so that you can stay updated whenever I make huge changes to the list.

WebsiteExample & Signup
VK.comOpen Website
Adobe EdEXOpen Website
StackoverflowOpen Website
StackExchangeOpen Website
IMDBOpen Website
SoundCloudOpen Website
BloggerOpen Website
UnsplashOpen Website
ArchiveOpen Website
PixabayOpen Website
CourseraOpen Website
LinkTreeOpen Website
PexelsOpen Website
EvernoteOpen Website
SourceforgeOpen Website
BuzzfeedOpen Website
CalendlyOpen Website
TinyURLOpen Website
RebrandlyOpen Website
SeekingAlphaOpen Website
IssuuOpen Website
CodepenOpen Website
GithubOpen Website

What are authority sites?

Authority is a term that we associate with websites that have a wider reach among audiences. The highest authority sites are not only of highest quality but are also linked back by a number of websites. Google and other search engines consider these websites 'fact-worthy' and thus they are ranked higher.

Technically the sites with high Domain Authority (DA) or Domain Rating (DR) scores are considered of high authority. So when you are pitching for a guest post to a website, look for these scores. Since 99% of the time the purpose of a guest post is to get backlinks to your own website - higher authority links will have a more positive impact than lower ones.

I will keep updating this list with updated scores, but you can use SEMrush (free trial) or Ahrefs to check the current authority scores.

How to reach out to these websites?

If you are into this, you already know why guest posting is important and how can you gain more organic traffic by publishing on these websites. But be sure to do it wisely as most of the websites listed here charge for articles. I am working on the best comment backlinking websites, which you can alternatively use to get some handy nofollow backlinks.

Just knowing about the list of sites is not enough, you must also know who to pitch guest posts to and how to do that. Most of the time you will find Write for us links at the bottom of the websites, or at least the Contact page by using which you can get in touch with the editors and site owners.

Additionally, you can use email finders to find emails associated with a site. It's better to reach out via emails instead of using Contact Forms because you can easily follow up on emails which is not the case for the latter.

Need some help?

First Name or Full Name both are fine. Be real.

Make sure that you can receive emails to this address.

Common doubts about guest posting

Does guest posting still work?

“YES” . Guest posting does work in 2024. There are many bloggers and influencers who successfully use it to gain links and increase their reach.

Do guest bloggers get paid?

Rarely. Most guest bloggers are doing it to build high-quality, relevant links for their sites. They rather have to pay for such tasks.

Is guest blogging good for SEO?

Yes. Guest Blogging is fine only if you follow certain protocols and adhere to Google Webmasters guidelines.

If you have any other questions or comments, feel free to send me a message on Twitter. If you want to add your own site here on this guest posting sites 2024 list, feel free to contact me.